Climate and surface and ground-water in the Baltic region – variability, trends, and impacts

Fully online event

Fully online event

Agrita Briede, Andis Kalvans (Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences), Gunta Kalvāne

We are pleased to invite You to participate in the 81st International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia section "Climate and surface and ground-water in the Baltic region – variability, trends and impacts". The section is organized by the Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences. It will be a fully online event within the BigBlueButton platform. The section will take place on March 10, 2023

The evidence for man-made climate change is overwhelming and its impacts are felt across land and sea, social and natural systems, in the air, surface and subsurface affecting the lives of everyone. Like the rest of the world the Baltic region is facing climate warming, but trends in precipitation are uncertain. Here in the Baltics, we have a relatively mild climate and abundant rainfall. But at the same time, isn't the risk of drought increasing? Devastating floods have been rarely reported in the region, but what if the increasing variability of the precipitation will bring some? 

We invite researchers to present their work considering the climate and climate change in the Baltic region including the surface and groundwater related phenomena. Presentation of studies of the past, present, and future climate and surface and groundwater as well as the impact of climate change on natural and social systems are welcomed. Participation in the conference is free of charge. 

Abstract submission is now closed.

Please join the event at at BBB (Big Blue Botton) platform using this link.

Oral (12min) and short talks (5min) submissions are welcome. A book of abstracts will be published online after the conference.

Organizing committee:
Prof., Dr. Geogr. Agrita Briede, University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences, Department of Geography
Dr. Geol. Andis Kalvāns, University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences, Department of Geology
Dr.Geogr. Gunta Kalvāne, University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences, Department of Geography