Driving Change in Social Development and Employment: Corporate Social Responsibility

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Oļegs Ņikadimovs (University of Latvia)


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is critical to promoting improvements in social development and employment. CSR refers to a company's commitment to operating in an economically, socially, ecologically, and legally responsible manner. Companies that integrate CSR into their business activities can have a good influence on society and contribute to community well-being. Companies can invest in community infrastructure projects including schools, hospitals, and vocational training centres. CSR projects frequently involve programmes that provide job possibilities for socially excluded or poor groups. Companies may utilise CSR to encourage diversity and inclusion in their workforce. CSR projects might focus on offering training and skill development programmes to local populations. This improves individuals' employability, preparing them to meet the needs of the labour market. Companies that are devoted to environmental sustainability help create green jobs. This covers positions in renewable energy, energy efficiency, waste management, and other environmentally friendly industries. CSR promotes businesses to use ethical employment practices, such as paying fair salaries, providing safe working conditions, and complying to labour rules.

In summary, CSR is an effective instrument for businesses to actively contribute to social development and employment. Companies that connect their business activities with ethical and sustainable ideals can benefit society while also encouraging long-term financial success.

Keywords: Corporate social responsibility, social development, sustainable business practices, local economic development, social impact initiatives.

Primary author

Oļegs Ņikadimovs (University of Latvia)

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