83rd International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia,

Section: Astronomy 2025

Starts Feb 07, 2025, 10:00 AM; Ends Feb 07, 2025, 8:00 PM, Riga time

The conference is intended as a collaboration platform for cross-border partnership and knowledge transfer, to discuss methods and technical means of ground-based observations,  actual problems of ground-based astronomy, the role of informatics in modern research as well as the history of astronomical research. (Oral presentation 15 min).

ZOOM: https://zoom.us/j/97419913654?pwd=QjVUY21ja0FXRStYZ3ZYZlptSkFJQT09
Meeting ID: 974 1991 3654,  

Passcode: 420982.

 The conference will be held remotely.

The conference is free of charge.

The conference language English

