Latvian-Brazilian meeting on Active and Soft Matter Physics

Guntars Kitenbergs

Language: English

ENG: As a part of this years UL conference, Laboratory of Magnetic Soft Materials organizes a joint meeting with the Condensed Matter Physics Group of the Federal University of Ceará (Fortaleza, Brazil) on the recent results of the mutually interesting topics of Active and Soft Matter Physics.

For more information see Timetable and Book of Abstracts in the Menu

LV: Ikgadējās LU konferences ietvaros Magnētisku mīkstu materiālu laboratorija rīko kopīgu semināru ar Searas Federālās universitātes (Fortaleza, Brazīlija) Kondensētās vides fizikas grupu, lai dalītos ar savu jaunāko pētījumu rezultātiem abpusēji interesantajās aktīvās un mīkstās vides fizikas tematikās.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 969 2040 0212
Passcode: 613157
  • Guntars Kitenbergs
  • Zane Jansone-Langina
    • 15:05 15:20
      Chain formation of anisotropic paramagnetic particles in a rotating magnetic field 15m
      Speaker: Dr Jānis Cīmurs (MMML lab, University of Latvia)
    • 15:20 15:35
      Pattern formation in a two-dimensional system of magnetic rods driven by rotating fields - a numerical study 15m
      Speaker: Dr Jorge Luiz Coelho Domingos (Department of Physics, Universidade Federal do Ceará)
    • 15:35 15:50
      Sublinear drag regime at mesoscopic scales in viscoelastic materials 15m
      Speaker: Prof. Claudio Lucas Nunes de Oliveira (Department of Physics, Universidade Federal do Ceará)
    • 15:50 16:05
      Dynamics of hematite cubes in rotating field 15m
      Speaker: Dr Mārtiņš Brics (MMML lab, University of Latvia)
    • 16:05 16:15
      Online coffee break 10m
    • 16:15 16:30
      Transport of self-propelled particles in 2D substrates of convex obstacles 15m
      Speaker: Prof. Wandemberg Paiva Ferreira (Department of Physics, Universidade Federal do Ceará)
    • 16:30 16:45
      Deformation of magnetic droplets in external field 15m
      Speaker: Mr Andris Pāvils Stikuts (MMML lab, University of Latvia)
    • 16:45 17:00
      Viscoelasticity of cells as marker for diseases 15m
      Speaker: Prof. Jeanlex Soares de Sousa (Department of Physics, Universidade Federal do Ceará)
    • 17:00 17:15
      Rotation and swimming of flexible ferromagnetic filaments 15m
      Speaker: Dr Guntars Kitenbergs (MMML lab, University of Latvia)