Sekcija “Person before the Constitutional Court. Comparativeaspects”




Vadītāja asoc. prof. Anita Rodiņa

Zoom saite:

    • Sekcija “Person before the Constitutional Court. Comparativeaspects”
      • 1
        Toma Birmontiene

        The Right of Access to the Constitutional Court and the Admissibility of Individual Complaints (Lithuanian experience)

      • 2
        Madis Ernits

        Individual constitutional complaint in Estonia – to or not to be?

      • 3
        Lali Papiashvili

        Nationality as a prerequisite for individual access to the Constitutional Court in a globalized world

      • 4
        Lucia Mokra

        (Non) Admissiblity of constitutional complaints: what kind of relations between ECtHR and Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic

      • 5
        Monika Florczak-Wątor

        A legal person as an initiatior of the proceeding before the Constitutional Court

      • 6
        Martin Belov

        Direct and Indirect Access to the Constitutional Court in Bulgaria