10:00 AM
Opening speech
Jānis Kārkliņš
10:10 AM
50 Years Since Continental Can Case
Laila Medina
10:30 AM
Balancing Interests of the Parties in Private Antitrust Enforcement (case C-163/21 – PACCAR et al.)
Dominik Wolski
10:50 AM
Practical Challenges in the Application Paragraph 3 Article 21 Latvian Competition Law
Agris Bitāns
11:10 AM
The ‘Umbrella Pricing’ Effect Created by Cartel and its Impact on the Market
Māra Stabulniece – Veldruma
11:40 AM
Rights and Obligations of National Courts and Competition Authorities – Recent Case Law of ECJ and General Court
Inga Reine
Laila Medina
12:00 PM
Current Case Law of EU Courts Regarding Examination of Grounds and Onus Probandi in Competition Cases
Inga Reine
12:20 PM
The Digital Market Act and the Role of Economics
Vitaly Pruzhansky
12:40 PM
Competition Law and the Great Global Decoupling
Andris Rimsa
1:30 PM
Recent Case Law on the Protection of Leniency and Settlement Documents
Valentīns Hitrovs
1:50 PM
Is there a National Procedural Autonomy in the Competition Law?
Esmeralda Balode – Buraka
2:10 PM
No-poach Agreements in European Union Competition Law: Enforcement and Challenges
Samanta Lidere
2:30 PM
Populism, Rule of Law Crisis and Competition Law
Maciej Bernatt
2:50 PM
Certain Aspects Regarding Rights of Defense in Competition Law
Lauris Rasnačs
3:30 PM
Legal Aspects of Join and Several Liability in the Case of Competition Law Infringement
Reinis Ivanovs
3:45 PM
Sinergy between Competition Law and Sustainability
Jurijs Georgs Rusakovs
4:00 PM
Duty of the Dominant Undertaking to Enter into Contract as Exception from the Freedom of Contract
Kristaps Silionovs