May 30, 2024
Jelgavas str. 3
Europe/Riga timezone

Within the framework of the 82nd International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, the Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformatics is organizing an international scientific conference - Geodynamics and Geospatial Research 2024.

This conference will take place on the 30th of May 2024 at the House of Sciences of the University of Latvia. Conference hall "Alfa", location of the venue - Jelgavas street 3, Riga, Latvia. MAP 

Online version

Work language of the conference - English.

Abstracts of the presentations will be published in the abstract book. Information on possibilities on full text publishing will follow

There is no participation fee for the conference and you are kindly invited to register.

The deadline for the speaker registration and submission of the abstract is the 8th of May 2024.

Abstracts can be submitted preferably via INDICO system HERE (registration necessary). In case of difficulties, abstract can be uploaded (not preferable) during the registration process HERE.

The deadline for the participant registration is the 23rd of May 2024.

Recommended topics but not only for the conference are:

Geodynamics and geospatial research;

Gravity field, geoid models and height systems;

Astrogeodetic measurements;

GNSS and satellite geodesy;

Leveling networks;

Survey engineering;

Photogrammetry, remote sensing;

Geographical information systems (GIS);

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV).

Jelgavas str. 3
Jelgavas str. 3, Alfa/110, Riga, Latvia
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