29 January 2025 to 14 March 2025
Europe/Riga timezone

♦ Presentation Guidelines

Instruction for oral presentation

  • Presentations must be delivered in English
  • Each presentation is 12-15 minutes long. It is recommended to use 10-12 minutes to present and 2-3 minutes for discussion/questions.
  • The available equipment will be a PC and a projector.
  • The session PCs will have access to the Internet.
  • The recommended file type to be used for presentations is PowerPoint or Portable Document Format (PDF).
  • The presentation files should be on a USB or a similar memory device.
  • Speakers are requested to upload their presentation onto the session PC and report to the session chair 10 minutes before the start of the session.
  • All presenters will be introduced to the audience by the session chair.
  • As the total duration of your presentations is 12-15 minutes, the recommended number of slides for your PowerPoint file is 15.

Recommendations to make a good oral presentation 

  • Its contents should be structured and have the following parts: title, introduction, methods, results, discussion, etc.
  • Presentations should not contain full paragraphs of text. Use a bulleted list or outline format and elaborate on the points in your talk.
  • Every slide should contain a title that summarizes the information presented on the slide.
  • Create a logical flow for your presentation.
  • Used fonts should be in sans serif type (like Arial or Helvetica). This is because, when projected on a screen, letters lose some of their sharpness, and serif type (like Times) can look muddy.
  • Use large fonts, as big as realistically possible. Small fonts are hard to read.
  • Use contrasting colors either a dark background with light text or a light background with dark text.
  • Avoid busy backgrounds that will make the text hard to read. Keep the background simple.
  • Limit your graphics to 1-3 per page. Too many graphics can be distracting.
  • Avoid all CAPITAL LETTERS IN YOUR TEXT. It will look like you're shouting.
  • Include a good combination of words, pictures, and graphics. Variety keeps the presentation interesting.
  • Slides are designed to supplement your presentation, not to BE your presentation. Keep it simple, and don't read your presentation word for word from your slides.
  • Fill out a storyboard before you begin to put your presentation together. It will help you stay organized, and things will get done faster.


  • Don't read from the slide - vary your choice of words.
  • Don't talk to the screen; maintain eye contact with the audience.
  • Speak loudly and articulate.

Links to materials