Latvia's green energy development - at what expense?

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Mr Anrijs TukulisMs Viskuba Viskuba



In 2019 The European Union member countries made a pact that they will become climate-neutral by the year 2050. Since the goal is quite ambitious, the authors of the research have stated the problem of the study- An insufficient set of activities in the Latvian energy sector will lead to a gradual deterioration of the Latvian Sustainability Index and achievement of the set goals, to become climate neutral in the future. 
The study aims to analyze the assessment of the World Energy Council's Trilemma Sustainability Index to conclude and to make suggestions for improving the assessment in the future.
The study contains the following research methods: analysis of publications, strategic documents of the Republic of Latvia, EU regulatory enactments, compilation, grouping, and analysis of statistical data, as well as expert interviews.
The authors have concluded that the sustainability of the Latvian energy sector is based on historical achievements, gradual transformation of the national economy, and changes in consumer habits. It is important to mention that the most rapid change in the dynamics of analyzed indicators has taken place in the period from 1990 to 2000, mainly due to the decrease in total energy consumption and sub-indicators in various sectors of the economy. In the following period after the year 2000, changes in indicators have been more stagnant than upward.  The authors suggest several improvements in resource productivity, decarbonization and emissions, and pollution in the context of the World Energy Council's Trilemma Sustainability Index to reach the set goal of becoming climate neutral.

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