9:00 AM
Existential meaning and subjective well-being in pregnant women: the parallel mediation of social support
Anna Machnik-Czerwik
(University of Opole)
Dariusz Krok
(University of Opole)
9:15 AM
The Literary or Screen Character: Projections of the Self in the Patterns of Verbal Communication
9:30 AM
Beyond Roads and Clinics: Exploring Health-Seeking Behavior and a Holistic Approach to Enhanced Healthcare Access in Majhgaon's Indigenous Community
(Translational health sciecne and technology institute, India)
9:45 AM
The European press coverage of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda: content volume and analysis of key themes
Alberto E López-Carrión
(Universitat de València)
10:00 AM
Institutional Influence on Development Aid Effectiveness: Local Agri-food System in Malawi and Burundi
Lola Martínez Aragón
(Universitat de Valencia)
10:15 AM
The Andean Baroque as an expression of human and cultural development in Latin American.”
Rodolfo Marcone- Lo Presti
(University of valencia)
10:30 AM
Enjoying learning and learning to learn
Alina Georgeta Mag
(University "Lucian Blaga" of Sibiu, Romania)
11:00 AM
Assessing the well-being of older people - The influence of social support on their life satisfaction and loneliness
Adriana Moiseiu
(Ovidius University of Constanta)
11:15 AM
Bullying victims between Romanian and Italian adolescents
Andreea Manolache
(Universitatea Ovidius din Constanța Facultatea de Psihologie și Științele Educației)
11:30 AM
The representation of the Hippies in the USSR, through the forms of communication
Paula Popov
(University "Lucian Blaga" of Sibiu)
11:45 AM
Adolescents antisocial behaviour. Comparative study by gender and age
Elena-Teodora Nurciu
(Universitatea Ovidius din Constanța, Facultatea de Psihologie și Științele Educației, Specializarea Psihologie)
12:00 PM
An approach to the presence of interdisciplinary encounter in cinema: The music in Jacques Demy’s Film (1961-1968)
Núria Cervelló Ramos
12:15 PM
Influence of Personality Traits on Sustainable Tourism Consumer Behaviour
Constantina-Alina Ilie (Miloș)
12:30 PM
Assessment and therapeutic intervention for teenagers' anxiety disorders
Rodica Gabriela Enache
(Ovidius University of Constanța Romania)
Laura Stanciu
(Ovidius University Constanta Romania)