Jan 29 – 31, 2025
Europe/Berlin timezone
May this conference bring fresh perspectives, fruitful collaborations, and great success!

2nd Annual FORTHEM conference 

FORTHEM – For the Future


January 29-31, 2025

2nd FORTHEM Annual Conference, “Connecting Worlds of Science and Society,” is taking place from January 29-31, 2025. This edition will highlight the vital role of science in shaping a sustainable, inclusive, and innovative future for all, while showcasing the FORTHEM Alliance’s efforts to bridge the gap between science and society through research-driven outreach initiatives.

The conference aims to foster interdisciplinary dialogue, enhance global competitiveness, and address pressing challenges. By encouraging participation across various disciplines, FORTHEM seeks to expand its networks, engaging researchers from other alliances, academic institutions, and non-academic partners.

This collaborative research approach strengthens our ability to respond to unforeseen crises like pandemics and regional conflicts, which have long-term societal impacts requiring comprehensive study. It also enables us to navigate the rapidly changing societal and technological landscape. FORTHEM recognizes that basic and applied research are essential, complementary forces that drive creativity and innovation, creating a thriving research environment.

Featuring 12 thematic sessions, the conference will facilitate the sharing, discussion, and evaluation of research findings across a range of current and critical fields. By welcoming researchers from around the world, FORTHEM invites participants to explore common research strengths and forge meaningful connections. 

We invite submissions on but not limited to the following topics:

General sessions:

  • Navigating the challenges and opportunities of diversity and migration
  • Enhancing multilingualism and learning in schools and universities
  • Ensuring safety, nutrition, and sustainability
  • Shaping the future through digital transformation
  • Climate Change and resource management: strategies for a sustainable future
  • Cultural exchanges and integration in the 21st century Europe
  • Improving life quality and resilience amid demographic shifts
  • Art and Aesthetics as critical infrastructure in an uncertain world
  • Preserving cultural heritage - balancing tradition and modernity
  • AI-driven realities: embracing the future of human and machine synergy

Cross-disciplinary sessions specially targeted for Early-Stage researchers:

  • Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts: insights from next-gen researchers
  • Natural and Life Sciences: insights from next-gen researchers


Wednesday, January 29.

9:00 CET              Opening ceremony 

Microsoft Teams Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 343 103 696 567 Passcode: oP9C8q4M Need help?

11:00 CET           Navigating the challenges and opportunities of diversity and migration

Microsoft Teams Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 312 764 059 229 Passcode: fm7mZ6pB Need help?

11:00 CET            Ensuring safety, nutrition, and sustainability 

Microsoft Teams Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 369 205 977 035 Passcode: an3pv95g Need help?

13:00 CET            AI-driven realities: embracing the future of human and machine synergy

Microsoft Teams  Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 322 190 152 437 Passcode: Zk7TC6qe Need help?

13:00 CET            Shaping the future through digital transformation

Microsoft Teams Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 350 531 666 339 Passcode: kK2fE7yu Need help?

Thursday, January 30.

09:00  Climate Change and resource management: strategies for a sustainable future

Microsoft Teams Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 336 538 497 99 Passcode: pG3Jm3Hm Need help?

11.00  Preserving Cultural Heritage - Balancing Tradition and Modernity

Microsoft Teams Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 387 883 547 587 Passcode: pK3Uy9nb Need help?

13:00 Improving life quality and resilience amid demographic shifts

Microsoft Teams Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 385 838 915 794 Passcode: 8gZ7vH3b Need help?

Friday, January 31.

10:00 Art and Aesthetics as critical infrastructure in an uncertain world

Microsoft Teams Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 391 456 438 741 Passcode: tz7ZC3Ap Need help?

10:00 Enhancing multilingualism and learning in schools and universities 

Microsoft Teams Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 373 331 258 558 Passcode: mk7XN29y Need help?

10:00  Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts: insights from next-gen researchers

Microsoft Teams Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 363 806 565 581 Passcode: dt728Fu9 Need help?

11:00  Cultural exchanges and integration in the 21st century Europe

Microsoft Teams Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 358 375 755 510 Passcode: PA2uu9RN Need help?

11:00  Natural and Life Sciences: insights from next-gen researchers

Microsoft Teams Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 363 117 494 198 Passcode: ML33Tr9S Need help?

Registration for this event is currently open.