Discrete Mathematics: Diskrētā matemātika
- Raivis Bēts (Latvijas Universitāte)
- Jānis Buls (Latvijas Universitāte)
Andrejs Cibulis
14/02/2024, 14:05
Discrete Mathematics
Oral presentation
Some games using polyforms (pentominoes, hexiamonds) are considered.
Elīna Buliņa
14/02/2024, 14:35
Discrete Mathematics
Oral presentation
The talk will deal with the question of what values the number of edges
can take for APE-polygons on square, triangular and hexagonal grids.
Kalvis Apsītis
(University of Latvia)
14/02/2024, 15:05
Discrete Mathematics
Oral presentation
We study n-polyiamonds with the restriction: Their sides lengths are all numbers between 1 and n in this order. Each polyiamond has a unique encoding in a 6-letter alphabet. We study formal grammars to describe interesting families of such polyiamonds.
Insa Kremere
14/02/2024, 15:35
Discrete Mathematics
Oral presentation
We investigate conditions under which a poset equipped with a weak difference gives rise to a weak BCK-algebra whose subtraction operation coincides with the weak difference for comparable elements.
Aigars Valainis
(Latvijas Universitāte)
14/02/2024, 16:05
Discrete Mathematics
Oral presentation
Jānis Buls
(Latvijas Universitāte)
14/02/2024, 16:35
Discrete Mathematics
Oral presentation