We invite you to join the "Plenary Session: Human, Technologies and Quality of Education" organized by the Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology of the University of Latvia.

The Plenary Session will occur on January 30 at 10:00 AM as a part of the 83rd International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia.

This year, the Plenary Session's main theme is dedicated to using artificial intelligence in education.

We are proud to announce our Keynote Speakers:

🔹Prof. Theofanis G. Orphanoudakis - "Impact of AI on STEAM education: state of play, needs and challenges"

🔹Prof. Hüseyin Üvet - "Developing Fair AI Algorithms for Student Assessment"

🔹Prof. Margherita Pagani - "Reimagine Education with AI"



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  • We welcome to register listeners. 
  • Registrations have to be made until each particular conference session. 



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