March 11, 2022
Europe/Riga timezone

Scientific Program

at the 80th Annual Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia

March 11 (Friday)

Space Sciences and Technologies

10.00 – 12.00 Pleanary lectures of invited keynote speakers:

1) 10.05 – 10.50
Prof. Dainis Dravins,
“Stars and their Spectra. From historical beginnings to challenges of tomorrow”

2) 10.55 – 11.40
Dr.Phys, Andris Vaivads,
“Multi-spacecraft space plasma missions”

12.00 - 14.00 Lunch

14.00 – 17.00 Oral presentations:

3) 14.00 – 14.20
Beldavs Vidvuds,
“COPUOS for a reordering world”

4) 14.25 – 14. 45
Beldavs Vidvuds,
“Electrify Africa 2030: The role of space technologies“

5) 14.50 – 15.30
Savanevych Vadym, Briukhovetskyi Olexander, Dikov Yevhen, Vlasenko Volodymyr, Eglitis Ilgmars,
“Processing service «Lemur» of optical frames for the formation of high-precision observations of asteroids, satellites and variable stars”

6) 15.35 - 16.30
Bernard Foing
"“Research and Training by Space and for Space: EuroMoonMars Earth Space Innovation”