5th International Symposium Language for International Communication (LINCS)

Alla Placinska (University of Latvia), Laimdota Ločmele (Centre for Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Humanities, University of Latvia), Liga Belicka (University of Latvia)

Linking Interdisciplinary Perspectives: Language for Specific Purposes in the Era of Multilingualism and Technologies

Language for International Communication (LINCS) - Proceedings of the 5th Symposium

Language for International Communication (LINCS) - Book of Abstracts of the 5th Symposium

The 5th International Symposium on Language for International Communication suspends cooperation with  institutions and scientists in Russia due to the policy of the Symposium in response to the aggression of the Russian Federation against the Republic of Ukraine. 

To submit your paper, please send it to Monta.Farneste@lu.lv (English language and culture); Alla.Placinska@lu.lv  (Spanish language and culture); Jelena.Vladimirska@lu.lv (French language and culture) .

The 5th International Symposium on Language for International Communication is hosted in cooperation with the 80th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia. The Symposium is organized by the Department of English Studies and the Centre for Applied Linguistics in cooperation with the Department of Romance Studies at the Faculty of Humanities. The University of Latvia is pleased to announce the symposium to be held online from Riga on April 28-29, 2022.

The symposium invites the debate on new perspectives and developments in research on Language for Specific Purposes (LSP) and specialised discourse and welcomes contributions from such fields as terminology, genre studies, discourse studies, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, to mention some. The scholars are encouraged to share their insights into the aims and methods of current research on LSP and specialised discourse, by reviewing LSP status and emergent issues. The symposium aims at gaining a holistic overview of state-of-the-art research in LSP area.

The symposium aims at bringing together scholars, practitioners and emerging researchers in LSP as well as language technology product developers and providers. The participants are invited to share their research and practical know-how of teaching LSP to students of different training programmes, connecting the language classroom with workplace relevance. The forum for young researchers will be held in conjunction with the symposium and as such will provide students and junior researchers with the opportunity to present their research and receive feedback from experienced scholars.


University of Latvia and institutes in the European Research Area – Excellency, activity, mobility No. 


Employees of the Faculty of Humanities, University of Latvia
  • Thursday, April 28
    • OPENING OF THE SYMPOSIUM/ INAUGURACIÓN Y PONENCIAS PLENARIAS (en inglés)/ OUVERTURE DU SYMPOSIUM (anglais): Opening remarks of the Rector of the University of Latvia, Prof. Indriķis Muižnieks Opening remarks of the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Prof. Indra Karapetjana

      Opening remarks of the Rector of the University of Latvia, Prof. Indriķis Muižnieks

      Opening remarks of the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Prof. Indra Karapetjana

      Convener: Laimdota Ločmele (Centre for Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Humanities, University of Latvia)
    • Keynote Speech: Assoc.Prof. Vita Kalnbērziņa (University of Latvia). Onsite versus online studies: Student perspective
      Convener: Gunta Roziņa (University of Latvia, Faculty of Humanities)
      • 1
        Onsite versus online studies: student perspective
        Speaker: Vita Kalnberzina (University of Latvia)
    • Keynote Speech: Prof. Inguna Skadiņa (University of Latvia). Latvian language resources and tools for research, education and technology development
      Convener: Gunta Roziņa (University of Latvia, Faculty of Humanities)
      • 2
        Latvian language resources and tools for research, education and technology development

        Technologies are part of our professional and private life, they affect almost any field of our activities. Technologies also affect language, its use, methods of teaching and methods of researching. However, not all languages are equality represented in a digital world with respect to content and technologies. There is a significant gap between widely used languages, in particular, English, and languages with smaller community of speakers. While Latvian still belongs to less resourced languages, when we speak about language for specific purposes (domains and use cases), this presentation aims to demonstrate how technologies and digital language resources facilitate language use in digital world, support digital humanities in general and language research and language acquisition, in particular.

        This presentation will be organized around three dimensions: (1) general overview of the Latvian language technology landscape; (2) language resources and tools for research – traditional uses cases and modern challenges (e.g. fake news, computer-generated texts and inadequate translations); (3) language resources and tools for language teaching – corpora, tools and digital content. Finally, impact of artificial intelligence and the technologies in general and on language use will be discussed, paying special attention to the role of linguist (translator, language teacher) in digital age.

        Speaker: Inguna Skadina (University of Latvia)
    • Keynote Speech: Prof. Crispin Thurlow (University of Bern, Switzerland). No strings attached? Multilingual performance and fleeting conviviality in host-tourist encounters
      Convener: Gunta Roziņa (University of Latvia, Faculty of Humanities)
      • 3
        No strings attached? Multilingual performance and fleeting conviviality in host-tourist encounters

        This paper is grounded in my long-standing research on tourism discourse which I have done in close collaboration with my colleague Adam Jaworski (e.g., Jaworski & Thurlow, 2010; Thurlow & Jaworski, 2011). In fact, for this presentation I will focus on a host-tourist interaction which we have always found intriguing but never actually written about. In a transaction between two tourists from Germany and a vendor at a market in Seoul, we find the vendor not only selling his sweets but also narrating the production process as a rather spectacular “multilingual performance”. Although the dominant language of the interaction is English, the vendor uses (mock) German in several instances of code-crossing. The interaction is also replete with numerous metapragmatic comments (e.g., tourists’ praise for the vendor’s skill) and other metadiscursive features (e.g., laughter). In this regard, we see how multilingual performance becomes a tool for the vendor to assume agency; he thus takes his sales pitch beyond a mere economic transaction and into the realm of flirtatious, convivial solidarities (cf Williams & Stroud, 2013). This is not to romanticize host-tourist exchanges, which are inextricably hegemonic, but rather to humanize them – to acknowledge that besides commodification sits a world of friendly co-existences.


        Jaworski, A. & Thurlow, C. (2010). Language and the imagined communities of tourism: A sociolinguistics of fleeting relationships. In N. Coupland (ed.), The Handbook of Language and Globalization (pp. 256-286). Oxford: Blackwell.

        Thurlow, C. & Jaworski, A. (2011). Tourism discourse: Languages and banal globalization. Applied Linguistics Review, 2, 285–312.

        Williams, Quentin & Stroud, Christopher. (2013). Multilingualism in transformative spaces: Contact and conviviality. Language Policy, 12(4), 289–311.

        Speaker: Crispin Thurlow (University of Bern)
    • 11:45 AM
      Coffee break
    • Intercultural competence and multilingualism; LSP acquisition

      Theory and Methodology of LSP research

      Conveners: Tatjana Bicjutko (University of Latvia), Vineta Apse (University of Latvia)
      • 4
        Multilingualism In higher education in Latvia

        Abstract. The world is becoming more multilingual in various spheres, including education, professional and social life. However, just being aware of multilingualism is not enough. What is required is plurilingual competence, that is the ability and skills to use two or more languages in various settings. Recently there have also started to appear scales how to measure this competence. Therefore, the goal of the research is to find out whether the students studying in higher education institutions in Latvia demonstrate plurilingual competence. The research participants were local students, international students enrolled for a full programme and Erasmus students majoring in business, tourism and advertising and public relations and representing three universities in Latvia. All students had taken or during the research were taking English for Specific Purposes (ESP) as a study course. The language of instruction in the course or in the entire programme was English. The Plurilingual and Pluricultural Competence (PPC) scale comprising 22 items on a 4-point Likert scale was applied in the study. The research results demonstrate significant differences in plurilingual competence between the local students and the international students. However, similarities are found between the local students and the Erasmus students. The authors conclude that plurilingual competence is a factor that needs to be taken into account when teaching ESP.

        Speakers: Ms Tatjana Bicjutko (University of Latvia), Ms Vineta Apse (University of Latvia)
      • 5
        Working on innovation in ESP in tourism: Three examples

        Most students start the Degree in Tourism Management at our university (Florida Universitaria, Valencia, Spain) with a B2 English level, but without any prior contact with English for Specific Purposes in Tourism. Creating motivating experiences that boost students’ interest in the English for Tourism I, II and III subjects they have to take throughout their degree, is a challenge to us.
        The aim of this paper is to present three examples of short projects in ESP, each one carried out in one of the three years students have English. All the projects share the following characteristics: learners apply their expertise to tourism related situations, students in other degrees or lecturers at Florida Universitaria participate as target audience, and IT tools are used for developing the project and communication.
        As regards the assignments, in the first year learners prepared a Valencia City Guide for the European lecturers who participated in our International Week. In the second year, students drew up a proposal for a cultural exhibition for young people, taking information from feedback given by other students within the target age range. Third-year students created an online game about Valencian monuments, Third-year students in Education (future English teachers), reviewed the text and gave feedback, once the mistakes were modified the activity was answered by first-year Education students.
        Data obtained from satisfaction questionnaires, together with feedback given by students in class, prove a positive effect of these projects on students’ attitude towards the subject and subsequently on academic results.

        Speaker: Pilar Alberola Colomar (Florida Universitaria)
      • 6
        Students’ perspectives on English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) in the case of an Interpersonal Communication course in English

        English has become an international means of communication (Phuong and Nguyen, 2019; Droździał-Szelest and Szczuka-Dorna, 2013; Gallagher et al., 2012). Thus, it is gaining its popularity worldwide as means of instruction in higher education all over the world. Although English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) has grown exponentially in recent years, a number of perceived needs and challenges still remain unaddressed. This current presentation starts with a brief description of EMI methodology. Then, it discusses results of a study, the main objective of which was to find answers to the following research questions: (1) How do the learners perceive the EMI course? and (2) What are the challenges faced by the students in the EMI classes? The participants of the research project described in the current presentation were three groups of international students attending an Interpersonal Communication (IC) course in English at one of technical universities in Poland.

        Speaker: Edyta Olejarczuk
      • 7
        The impact of remote learning on the acquisition of the Latvian language for international students

        The aim of the research
        To ascertain which approaches and methods are the most effective in language acquisition by distance learning, and to identify tools which enhance the learning process.
        SSNMF students participating in the courses “Latvian Language in Medicine” and "Medical Terminology in the Latvian Language".
        To sum up the results gained it can be concluded that
        1) The majority of students prefer zoom classes, however there is a considerable number of respondents who prefer a combined learning approach which incorporates online classes with independent tasks.

        2) Online classes, self-assessment tests in e-studies, submission of independent tasks, and interactive tools are regarded as the most efficient tools in language learning.

        3) Students identified a range of benefits of learning Latvian by distance learning such as the easy use of technologies, a variety of digital tools available and simultaneous use of varied sources of information, self-paced learning, and a decrease in stress levels leading to increased psycho-emotional comfort.

        4) Whilst remote learning affects the language acquisition process, this affect can be successfully ameliorated through the use of digital tools, technologies and carefully planned tasks.

        Speaker: Ms Daiga Tetere (Riga Stradiņš University)
      • 8
        Easier said than done. Results of a university teaching innovation project on intercultural competence in hotel management

        One of the main tenets of language for specific purposes is that the classroom setting becomes the meeting point for the students’ academic and occupational spheres. In addition, its success is generally measured by the usefulness of the students’ linguistic competence once they gain access to a job in their field. Therefore, the “action-oriented approach” and the “task-based approach” emerge as adequate methods to reach such a goal and have been indeed used in the teaching innovation project that this study presents. The project is based on the development of intercultural competence and mediation skills in two compulsory courses of the degree in Hotel Management at the University of the Balearic Islands, namely "English for Executives" and "Labour Relations in the Hotel Sector". This interdisciplinary project intends to respond to the high demand for professionals in the tourism industry with solid cross-cultural communication skills and high levels of intercultural competence by focusing on real-world tasks that contribute to a more meaningful learning.

        This study explored students’ perceptions on the innovation project by means of a survey that was distributed among students the last day of the term. Data analysis revealed that even if students acknowledged the project’s usefulness for the development of their communicative competence, their involvement and level of satisfaction differed significantly. These results reveal a mismatch between what the students perceive as their needs and their commitment to fulfill them, which ultimately challenges the effectiveness of the “action-oriented approach”. The results of this study based on students’ reflections may be used to foster scholarly debate and the design and implementation of new approaches.
        strong text

        Speakers: Dr Miquel Pomar-Amer (University of the Balearic Islands), Dr Iria Bello Viruega (University of the Balearic Islands), Ms Maria del Mar Crespí Ferriol (University of the Balearic Islands)
    • LFE: enseñanza y metodología
      Conveners: M. Victoria López Pérez (Universidad Pública de Navarra), Miguel Ángel Pérez Sánchez (Universidad de Letonia)
      • 9
        Guía para la clase de español con fines específicos

        En el ámbito académico-profesional de la enseñanza de segundas lenguas con fines específicos, la formación del profesorado, junto a la creación de materiales didácticos innovadores, se han convertido en uno de los campos de actuación más interesantes a la luz de las circunstanciales actuales; en ese sentido, el reto es más llamativo: las tecnologías aumentan las posibilidades creativas y productivas tanto para docentes como para alumnado; tanto unos como otros evolucionamos de consumidores a prosumidores. Asimismo, en la última década es notorio el aumento de cursos, seminarios, congresos y otros actos formativos que han sido creados, ad hoc, dentro de este campo de la lingüística aplicada y la enseñanza de idiomas (Sánchez-López, 2010; Pionce, Baque-Pibaque & Gómez, 2019; Gómez, 2021).

        Desde este punto de partida, por tanto, deseamos presentar y describir la iniciativa didáctica que desde Eris Ediciones hemos llevado a cabo. El presente proyecto didáctico, denominado Guía para la clase de español con fines específicos, consta de cuatro volúmenes; en cada uno de ellos se abarcan la lengua de la especialidad de varias áreas de conocimiento: arte y humanidades, ciencias de la salud; ciencias jurídicas y sociales, ciencia, ingeniería y arquitectura. Se trata de una obra de consulta, de carácter didáctico, pero basada en un enfoque discursivo-pragmático hacia la enseñanza-aprendizaje de las lenguas de especialidad. En cada uno de los capítulos se abordan cuestiones de tipo léxico-semánticas, morfológicas, sintácticas y ortográficas. Así mismo también se atiende también a aspectos propios de la cultura laboral y profesionales específicas de cada discurso (elementos paralingüísticos, proxémicos o kinésicos).

        Speakers: Dr M.ª del Carmen Sánchez Morillas (Universidad de Jaén), Dr Pilar Valero Fernández (Instituto Cervantes de Berlín)
      • 10
        La dimension etico-politica de la didactica de la intercomprension romanica: oportunidades para la comunicacion y concienciacion intercultural

        La gestión efectiva del multilingüismo, la educación intercultural y la promoción de una comunicación democrática han sido señaladas en las agendas internacionales como tres metas clave para el desarrollo sostenible, resultando la didáctica de la intercomprensión una gran aliada en el camino hacia su consecución. Habida cuenta de su pertinencia actual, este trabajo pone el foco en la dimensión ético-política de la didáctica de la intercomprensión, con un doble objetivo: por un lado, incidir en sus aportaciones como motor de (inter)cambio en el campo de la comunicación intercultural, desde un enfoque participativo y cooperativo basado la socialización rica, el mutuo reconocimiento y la reflexividad colectiva; y, por otro lado, evaluar sus potencial como herramienta de normalización social en el ámbito de las lenguas romances, cuya contribución revierte las actitudes lingüísticas contrarias a las lenguas minorizadas y, en consecuencia, ayuda a superar las asimetrías propias de los contextos de diglosia. A tal efecto, se propone una reflexión epistemológica que subraya la relación entre esta dimensión de la intercomprensión y otros objetivos fundamentales de los campos de la sociolingüística y la educación intercultural. Mediante este recorrido, se concluye que la didáctica de la intercomprensión resulta una estrategia pedagógico-discursiva con un amplio rendimiento en el marco global actual, pues su carácter rizomático le permite aprovechar la conexión de heterogeneidades para lograr un aprendizaje significativo, basado en el desarrollo de competencias plurilingüísticas y en una concienciación intercultural, esenciales para preservar la diversidad.

        Speaker: Gonzalo Llamedo Pandiella (UNIVERSIDAD DE OVIEDO)
      • 11
        Construyendo un perfil docente en la enseñanza de la lengua para fines específicos. Análisis de la identidad del profesor, del estudiante y del aula.

        En la actualidad, cerca de 600 millones de personas en el mundo hablan español. En el panorama lingüístico internacional, los docentes debemos contemplar el importante espacio que ocupa la enseñanza del español para fines específicos. Hablamos de una docencia destinada a aquellos usuarios que necesitan adquirir conocimientos gramaticales y léxicos así como competencias y estrategias de aprendizaje que les permitan desenvolverse en un contexto lingüístico profesional.

        Un profesor de lengua para fines específicos es un profesor de idiomas. No es un especialista en medicina o en economía. Para lograr una instrucción efectiva no es condición indispensable poseer conocimientos de la materia en cuestión. Lo que sí es necesario es tener una actitud positiva y de interés hacia el área técnica donde los discentes desarrollarán su profesión. El docente tendrá en cualquier caso que adquirir unos conocimientos específicos básicos acerca de las actividades profesionales de los estudiantes y en este escenario el análisis de necesidades se perfila como una herramienta de explotación didáctica muy eficaz.

        En la siguiente comunicación ofrecemos una revisión del enfoque metodológico de trabajo así como de las dificultades intrínsecas que surgen en la praxis. Las conclusiones de esta investigación nos permitirán precisar la identidad del profesor, del alumnado y del aula ofreciendo resultados para identificar fortalezas y debilidades y poder así maximizar el rendimiento académico.

        Speaker: Mrs Soraya Almansa Ibáñez
      • 12
        Aproximación analítica sobre la comprensión lectora de la lengua con fines específicos en los textos académicos por parte de estudiantes universitarios

        Resumen. Esta aportación está relacionada con un amplio proyecto de investigación que tiene como objetivo analizar la comprensión lectora en lengua española por parte de los estudiantes universitarios. Los autores adoptan una perspectiva lingüística y centran la atención exclusivamente en textos académicos a los que los alumnos se han enfrentado a lo largo del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en sus correspondientes grados. Se considera que la comprensión lectora forma parte de la competencia comunicativa e implica el conocimiento y empleo del código lingüístico, en este caso con fuerte anclaje en los fines específicos, concebido este como una unidad que relaciona ideas y argumentos en tres niveles: coherencia, corrección y cohesión. La comprensión lectora, por tanto, va indefectiblemente unida al código lingüístico. Los datos, resultados y conclusiones que presenta este texto corresponden a un primer estadio de investigación, mediante el que se pretende verificar la eficacia de la metodología propuesta y determinar hasta qué punto es fiable la herramienta que se ha empleado para medir el grado de comprensión lectora (cloze test o prueba de clausura) en este tipo de textos donde se utiliza el lenguaje con fines específicos.

        Speakers: Andrea Cortiñas López (Universidad San Jorge), Kenneth Jordan Núñez (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya), Manuela Catalá Pérez (Universidad San Jorge)
      • 13
        Primeros acercamientos metodológicos a la investigación sobre la Enseñanza de Español con Fines Específicos: las asignaturas que componen el Secretariado Ejecutivo en Brasil

        Partiendo de la relevancia y de la necesidad de desarrollar reflexiones teórico-metodológicas acerca de la relación entre la Terminología, la Terminografía y la Enseñanza y el Aprendizaje de Lenguas con Fines Específicos (EALFE) en el contexto brasileño, presentamos una primera aproximación a la problemática de esta modalidad de enseñanza en la carrera de Secretariado Ejecutivo (SE). El SE es un curso universitario que se caracteriza por la “aplicación de muchas teorías simultáneas, reunidas en un único sistema” y se acerca “mucho más de una composición interdisciplinaria que de una única ciencia independiente” (Sabino & Marchelli, 2009, p. 608). De ese modo, pensamos que, para establecer las herramientas adecuadas a esta modalidad de formación, es fundamental conocer el campo técnico/práctico en el cual se encuentra el curso, la profesión, donde realizaremos las intervenciones. Partiendo de ese contexto, nuestro trabajo es caracterizado como exploratorio en el objetivo, bibliográfico en la búsqueda de datos y cualitativo en el análisis de los resultados. Para tanto, vamos a enfocar en un análisis de currículos de dos universidades de Brasil, a fin de verificar el conjunto de asignaturas que componen el núcleo básico de formación del Secretário/a Ejecutivo/a, además de observar cual es el espacio del español en ese curso. Partiendo del hecho de que el área/curso de SE hace parte de una compleja red de otros campos científicos, pensamos que aprovechar esa multidisciplinariedad puede ser una buena estratégia para dejar la enseñanza de Español con Fines Específicos (EFE) aún más dinámica y provechosa.

        Speakers: Eduardo César Pereira Souza (Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" (UNESP)), Odair Luiz Nadin (Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" (Unesp))
    • Theory and methodology of LSP research
      Conveners: Jevgenija Selivanova (University of Latvia), Olga Pašinska (University of Latvia (PhD student in Linguistics))
      • 14
        Group presentation as a form of assessment in English for Business Management course

        The goal of the present study is to analyze issues of group presentation assessment in English for Business Management Course at the University of Latvia.
        Groups provide opportunities that cannot be realized through individual learning situations. They provide expertise from the rest of the group not available to the solitary individual. The group is a place where individual views of reality can be challenged and new insights obtained from debate (Gregory&Thorley, 1994, pp 20).
        The theoretical background of the paper is developed considering selected contributions that pertain to group work for academic success. The theoretical contributions were viewed against the results of the empirical research conducted from 2017 to 2021 study years at the University of Latvia. The study was approached from qualitative research perspective. It employed survey as a research tool of group presentation assessment in English for Business Management Course.
        The research findings revealed that peer-assessment is an essential tool for group presentation assessment as teachers can assess only the final result of the group work, without taking into account the individual contribution of each group member. It has become even more topical during the years 2020 and 2021 due to remote teaching environment.
        The paper has drawn a conclusion that there are benefits of group work, which include acquisition of business terminology, use of lexicographic tools, improved research and communication skills, improved knowledge and skills for real professional life. The results of the survey show that students lack knowledge and skills in organizing group work.

        Speaker: Ruta Svetina (University of Latvia)
      • 15
        Needs analysis to enhance language courses in the EFL environment

        The purpose of this presentation is to address the importance of needs analysis with mixed methods in LSP. Language educators and researchers argue that a lack of identifying students’ needs hinders effective language education in schools. This would be because teachers may not be well-prepared regarding the use of needs analysis in the educational context. Therefore, the purpose of the paper is to identify the definition of needs, potentials, and challenges of using mixed methods to develop needs analyses and concludes with the considerations of needs analysis with mixed methods in research on foreign language education.

        Speaker: Eunjeong Park (Sunchon National University)
      • 16
        LSP assessment in an academic context

        Testing languages for specific purposes concerns the area of language testing in which the test purpose, content and methods are derived from an analysis of a real life situation in which the learner is likely to use the language. There are two main attributes of LSP testing which distinguish it from general language testing: the authenticity of the task which should share the crucial features of assessment tasks used in the target language use situation and the engagement of specific purpose content knowledge. The relationship between language knowledge and content knowledge, which in general purpose testing is usually seen as a confounding variable, contributing to measurement error and which should be reduced as much as possible, is the essential feature of LSP testing which in fact increases the validity and reliability of the assessment. Such involvement of content knowledge in language assessment requires test developers to devise specific assessment criteria tailored to LSP assessment tasks. The objectives of my paper are to present a definition of LSP testing, discuss its rationale and present some examples of LSP assessment tasks and criteria.

        Speaker: Barbara Sawicka (Centrum Języków i Komunikacji Politechniki Poznańskiej)
      • 17
        Graduate students’ views about Business English importance using digital portfolios

        Language education practices have entered a new era abundant with technologically enhanced learning solutions which have become a prosperous supplement to the traditional classroom experience. In a multitude of e-solutions ESP educators are always in a search of tailorable solutions to meet the specialized requirements of their target audiences, a great number of which are in high demand of Business English due to its omnipresence and widespread relevance across diverse disciplines and professions. A highly flexible option capable of augmenting the scope and quality of ESP learning exposure are digital portfolios, a prosperous and resourceful platform supportive of multiple literacies and foreign language skills development. ESP educators can harness their potential in numerous ways and due to their customizability, an endless variety of conceivable end products is possible. While highlighting the potential educational use of digital portfolios the paper draws on findings of graduate students’ views on the importance of Business English collected as part of a reflective writing assignment. The purpose of the qualitative analysis was to provide an insight into their analytical perspective of Business English importance for their prospective business careers and businesses in general. Findings from the study indicate that all students perceive the key role of Business English as a new job requirement and a clear pathway to career success necessary for climbing the business ladder. The challenges identified are students’ frustrations and resistance to speaking the language including their concerns about the lack of knowledge as an impediment to their future career advancements.

        Speakers: Mr Borislav Marušić (University of Applied Sciences Lavoslav Ružička in Vukovar, Croatia), Sanda Katavić-Čaušić (Faculty of Economics, Josip Juraj University Of Osijek, Croatia)
    • 1:40 PM
      Dance break

      To stretch your muscles between the sessions, you are welcome to join a Latvian folk dance. Grab a partner or dance alone - the University folklore group has recorded these dance lessons just for you!

    • La innovación, multimodalidad y tecnologías digitales en LFE
      Conveners: Rubén González Vallejo (Università degli Studi di Macerata), Alberto Torres_Fernandez
      • 18
        El lenguaje del turismo en la era de la transformación digital: El léxico en el ámbito del turismo cultural y su enfoque en los valores de la sostenibilidad

        La innovación del turismo como actividad profesional ha favorecido al desarrollo y mejora de las tecnologías turísticas. A partir de los estudios de Calvi, entre otros investigadores, han dado como resultado a la creación de un léxico especializado en torno al lenguaje del turismo y del que abordaremos desde nuestro entorno, las Islas Baleares. En este trabajo nos centraremos en el ámbito del turismo cultural, basándonos en las respectivas transformaciones que ha sufrido el léxico especializado de este sector tan preciado para el sector del turismo.
        En los últimos años ha cambiado considerablemente el léxico en torno al turismo debido a varios motivos. Por un lado la globalización es un hecho a tener en cuenta, así como el uso generalizado de las TIC,s además de los cambios y preferencias en los gustos de consumo y hábitos de los turistas, entre ellos, la opinión a través de las redes sociales, todo ello ha contribuido a generar un léxico innovador que se ha insertado en el ámbito de las necesidades sociales actuales.
        Para el análisis del trabajo que nos ocupa partiremos de una serie de datos léxicos recabados en nuestra investigación en el ámbito del turismo cultural con la finalidad de visibilizar tanto los recursos léxicos de nuestro entorno así como contribuir a la evolución del léxico turístico.

        Speaker: Dr Isabel Serra Pfennig (Universidad de las Islas Baleares)
      • 19
        Aplicación de Flashcards para mejorar el aprendizaje de la gramática en la lengua alemana.

        El uso de las tecnologías puede aumentar la motivación y mejorar los resultados del aprendizaje de la gramática. Los contenidos gramaticales de los materiales para la enseñanza del idioma alemán con fines profesionales por lo general están orientados según las directrices definidas por el Instituto Goethe dentro del Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas (MCER). El enfoque del MCER es comunicativo. El uso correcto de la gramática es un punto clave para llevar a cabo una comunicación con éxito en el aprendizaje de un idioma.
        Los alumnos cuyos idiomas maternos son lenguas románicas no pueden recurrir a equivalencias o similitudes gramaticales de su idioma materno con el alemán cuando aprenden estructuras gramaticales. Hay indicios de que el uso sistemático de reglas mnemotécnicas facilita la asimilación de las reglas gramaticales. El uso de dichas reglas es facilitado por determinadas aplicaciones tecnológicas como las Flashcards.
        Los materiales educativos no prestan atención a dichas técnicas de aprendizaje. El aprendizaje con reglas mnemotécnicas tampoco forma parte del currículo en la enseñanza primaria y secundaria. En el presente estudio, se va a comprobar su eficacia con estudiantes del Grado en Turismo con el nivel A2 de alemán. Para ello se aplican las tecnologías a través de la plataforma Moodle mediante el uso de Flashcards.
        Con el ejemplo de los inventarios, los objetivos de aprendizaje requeridos por el Instituto Goethe, y representados en los contenidos lingüísticos gramaticales, se controla el efecto del uso de frases modelo en la aplicación de una determinada regla gramatical. Su efecto se controla de varias maneras. Se verifican los resultados obtenidos de modo siguiente: a) con un grupo de control de características similares, b) versus los resultados obtenidos en otros inventarios y c) con un cuestionario a los alumnos del grupo de investigación.
        El análisis de los resultados comenzará en febrero de 2022 y estará disponible en abril.

        Speaker: Begoña Velasco Arranz (Universidad de las Islas Baleares (UIB))
      • 20
        Escape Room en la clase de lenguas para fines específicos: una nueva forma de escapar del aula digital

        El insólito contexto pandémico, provocado por el COVID-19, ocasionó un cambio abrupto en las prácticas docentes. Así pues, el traslado de las aulas presencias al contexto a distancia y digital tuvo como efecto la reinvención de los ambientes de aprendizaje y sus consecuentes procesos pedagógicos. A fin de intentar enfrentar el nuevo reto educativo, durante el estado de contingencia se pretendió renovar las experiencias didácticas realizadas en las clases de español para fines específicos, transformando, de este modo, el tradicional Escape Room Educativo al espacio virtual. Por consiguiente, a través de mi experiencia docente como profesora de español como lengua extranjera para la formación de profesionales del sector de los negocios y del turismo en el Instituto Politécnico de Bragança y en el Instituto Politécnico de Maia (Portugal), se presentan algunos ejemplos de experiencias de Escape Room virtual y en línea llevadas a cabo durante el año lectivo 2020/2021. Con este trabajo se procura, por tanto, ofrecer algunas orientaciones y estrategias para la creación de enigmas, retos y candados digitales con el fin de promover el trabajo en equipo y colaborativo, así como mejorar las capacidades de negociación y raciocinio intelectual del alumnado mediante el uso del pensamiento lógico y deductivo para la resolución de problemas. Debido a nuestra experiencia, se puede concluir que esta estrategia pedagógica basada en dinámicas y mecanismos propios del juego y la gamificación ofrecen al alumno experiencias inmersivas de aprendizaje en torno a una narrativa conductora en la que prevalece el misterio, la intriga y, sobre todo, la motivación.

        Speaker: Tamara Aller Carrera (Instituto Politécnico de Bragança)
      • 21
        La realidad virtual como herramienta educativa en le/ele: estudio exploratorio y aplicación didáctica en el ámbito universitario

        La Realidad Virtual (RV) es una tecnología emergente cada vez más usada en diversos campos. En este sentido, diversos autores resaltan su gran potencial didáctico y, en el contexto de la enseñanza de español como lengua extranjera (ELE) concretamente, defienden que se podría implementar de manera significativa en el aula. Esta investigación pretende presentar una serie de propuestas didácticas con RV basadas en un enfoque comunicativo y conectivista. Para ello, se utilizan diversos bloques temáticos según el MCER y el PCIC, y se recurre a aplicaciones y herramientas tecnológicas como Google Cardboard, entre otras, que proporcionan una experiencia inmersiva en un entorno digital. Asimismo, se recopilan datos de investigaciones previas que presentan el estado actual de la RV en relación con la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras y en concreto de ELE, su nivel de desarrollo dentro del sistema educativo y estudios de casos. Por último, la naturaleza de este tema y las expectativas de futuro sugieren un punto de partida para posteriores estudios e investigaciones enfocados al empleo de esta tecnología por parte de los profesionales del campo de la educación y a la vez, se busca dar respuesta a las siguientes cuestiones: 1. ¿Sería posible integrar de manera significativa la RV como herramienta educativa en LE/ELE en ámbito universitario?; 2. ¿Qué impacto tendría la RV y cómo afectaría a las competencias de los aprendices?

        Palabras clave: Realidad virtual, RV, Español como Lengua Extranjera, tecnología, educación

        Speaker: Lara Isabel Serén Raposo (Universidad de Letonia)
      • 22
        Extracción terminológica automatizada: aplicación de la herramienta dexter en el ámbito del derecho penal

        En el ámbito de los lenguajes especializados cobra especial relevancia el proceso de extracción terminológica, que permite identificar las unidades léxicas que posteriormente formarán parte de repositorios especializados (e.g. diccionarios, glosarios, etc.) de un dominio de conocimiento. Por este motivo, en los últimos años se han desarrollado diversas herramientas que facilitan y automatizan gran parte de este proceso con mayor o menor grado de cobertura y precisión. El presente trabajo muestra una propuesta para la detección de unidades especializadas basado en un sistema híbrido lingüístico y estadístico. Para ello, se tomará como ejemplo el ámbito terminológico del Derecho Penal y se presentarán las dos fases fundamentales de extracción de nuestro modelo que se mencionan a continuación. En primer lugar, la compilación de un repositorio textual especializado del dominio meta para su posterior pre- y post-procesamiento. En segundo lugar, la configuración y posterior aplicación de la herramienta de extracción DEXTER sobre el repositorio. En tercer lugar, y una vez concluida la fase de extracción, se muestra el trabajo terminológico propiamente dicho, dirigido a depurar el listado de candidatos y a la elección de unidades.

        Speakers: Angela Alameda Hernández (Universidad de Granada), Mr Pedro Ureña Gómez-Moreno (Universidad de Granada)
    • Medicine
      Conveners: Tatjana Zakutajeva (Riga Stradins University), Ilze Ruža
      • 23
        Reporting professional content in ESP: Problems and needs

        Reporting what other people said or wrote about is part and parcel of academic work, and, thus, appropriate use of reported speech is paramount to success in academic writing. Since reported speech is a dedicated syntactic domain (Spronck and Nikitina 2019), and creation of 'constructed discourse' (Tannen 2007) involves different kinds of deictic shift, the topic requires due attention when teaching English for Specific Purposes (ESP). Furthemore, facilitating its acquisition, both grammar and meaning should be addressed.
        The case study was conducted in the first study semester course “English for Medicine” at the University of Latvia and involved 70 students, with the goal of the study being to observe the impact of using comprehension-based communicative language teaching on learning reported speech. Introducing a professionally targeted listening comprehension activity and using grammar error and content analysis on the resulting student works, the attempt is to see the correlation of grammar mistakes and the level of communicative comprehension. The results allow for a number of methodological suggestions, including more attention to the communicative acts when instructing, reasonable detailing of written instructions, as well as there is a definite need for an additional intervention and further research.

        Speakers: Liga Belicka (University of Latvia), Tatjana Bicjutko (University of Latvia)
      • 24
        Simulation-based medical English learning model – Bridging the gap between medical practice and university classroom

        “The mind is not a vessel that needs
        filling, but wood that needs igniting.”
        Plutarch, AD 46 – AD 120
        Introduction. Simulation is a technique to replace and amplify real experiences with guided ones, often “immersive” in nature, that evoke and replicate substantial aspects of the real world in a fully interactive fashion. Simulation-based language learning is a language learning model which allows students to express themselves in a group setting, groups comprising usually two or three. It is related to a role-play but in simulation students retain their own personas and are not required to pretend to be someone else. In order to succeed a simulation should be underpinned by a sense of reality or should create a brand new reality.
        Aim. To study:
        • if throughout the delivery of study courses “English for Dentistry” to students of Faculty of Dentistry, “Medical Terminology in English” to students of Faculty of Medicine, “English for Rehabilitation” to Occupational Therapy students at RSU they develop linguistic competence with professional terminology application;
        • students’ satisfaction level with the study courses being delivered.
        Materials and methods. Data were collected during the period of academic years 2015/16 till 2020/21 at RSU from Faculty of Dentistry 1-st year students, Faculty of Medicine 2-nd year students and from Faculty of Rehabilitation 2-nd year students taking part in a cross-sectional study.
        Results. Dental students being involved in a project “Dentist-Patient Interview”, Medical students involved in a project “Doctor-Doctor Interview” with patient care manikins application, and Occupational Therapy students involved in a project “Occupational Therapist-Patient Interview” with an authentic speaker as a patient, demonstrated their ability to communicate in English with meaningful application of professional terminology and relevant attitude to the patient. Students report simulation to be challenging and alongside inspiring learning model that builds confidence within students to operate the language in a professional way and acquire occupation-specific skills. Simulation-based learning embedded in course structure builds synergy between language acquisition and professional competence, i.e. tangible value added for students and academia, thus enhancing students’ satisfaction level with the course under delivery.
        Conclusions. Effective communication between healthcare professionals and patients is important in delivering high-quality care this way improving patients’ outcomes. From educational perspective, simulation-based learning enables students demonstrate their communicative competence interacting in English within an environment that is very close to their professional environment and motivates them to acquire professional terminology for productive use. Simulation-based learning is the way not only to develop students’ linguistic competence but their professional attitude to the patient, thus enriching their knowledge and minimising risk to the patient.

        Speaker: Tatjana Zakutajeva (Riga Stradins University)
      • 25
        Peculiarities of communication in medicine

        This report analyzes the results of higher education, which are reflected in the knowledge, skills, social skills and values of university graduates, looking at the extent to which they meet the requirements of professional self-realization of the future doctor.
        The description of the professional communication process gives an idea of the situations that a medical student will come in contact with in practice in the hospital, as well as in his/her further activities, therefore the content and procedural aspect of the study course program is important in terms of preparation of future doctors for their professional communication situations using LSP. Communication (mainly oral) takes place and develops in the process of the doctor's activity aimed at treating patients, and it coincides with the doctor's professional duties.
        The data obtained in the empirical study show that the communicative barrier is determined by insufficiently developed subject-specific communicative skills in LSP language, motivation, inadequate stereotypes, specifics of communication culture, inability to set goals and achieve desired results, level of motivation, inadequate self-assessment of the acquired language skills.
        Data acquisition methods: interviews, surveys, biography method, testing, document research and analysis of students' work; methods of mathematical statistics used in data processing and analysis, content analysis.
        The research reveals that the information received and provided in the process of professional communication, acquired skills and abilities, ensure the realization of various functions. The communicative and intercultural competence of the language that forms the language competence becomes important in the professional self-realization of the student, the future doctor.

        Speakers: Ilze Ruža, Inta Līsmane (University of Latvia)
      • 26
        Fostering medical communication during the Covid-19 pandemic: an example of language mediation

        The “Medical English” (English for Specific and Academic Purposes) course is compulsory for all first-year medical students at the University of Oulu. The course utilizes the action-oriented approach (CEFR-CV 2020) and introduces the concept of mediation to students by providing them with opportunities to learn and practice intra-linguistic and cross-linguistic mediation (from medical English to plain language, and Finnish to English). The course assignments are also designed to support students’ utilizing mediation strategies of explaining new concepts and simplifying texts through a cross-disciplinary collaborative approach.
        The mediation activities combine the field-specific and academic aspects of language learning at university level: simulated doctor-patient consultation, and a student conference. These authentic activities enable students to reflect on how doctors communicate effectively medical information to different audiences.
        Traditionally, in the Medical English conference students working in teams prepare a poster to present what they have learnt in the Clinical Psychology course, which is taught in Finnish. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the face-to-face conference was switched to online delivery, which required enhanced communicative skills. The scaffolding we provided introduced students to the basics of multimodality, such as using design features effectively, mediating between spoken and written reporting, responding to audience - thus also ensuring the development of interactional and generic skills.
        Here we present students’ perceptions of their development, collected via a self-assessment questionnaire, and summarized in four main themes: cognitive skills, transferable skills, language skills and learner autonomy. Finally, we discuss teachers’ views on future course development.

        Speaker: Dr Eva Braidwood (University of Oulu)
      • 27
        Online tools for individual study of medical vocabulary – selected challenges

        The acquisition of lexis is an important part of language learning. It is also a vital component of English for Medical Purposes (EMP) education, as the knowledge of specialised vocabulary is considered integral to success in occupation-specific communicative activities. Expanding professional lexis is essential to help EMP learners understand the language and concepts of their academic or professional discipline and achieve specific communication goals. Apart from delivering patient care, creating trust-centred relationships, disseminating medical information in a variety of work-based scenarios, health care professionals frequently need to communicate successfully in a number of medical contexts outside work. Collaborating, networking, and decision-making with other professionals are frequently essential for individuals engaging in practices associated with medical research. Developing medical vocabulary is therefore an integral component of EMP training, as it gives specialised language learners a solid foundation from which to develop communicative competence in order to be able to convey professional information and perform job-related tasks. However, the acquisition of technical vocabulary poses a significant challenge to many EMP learners, as professional lexis includes low-frequency words and is commonly considered more complex than general vocabulary. This talk aims to discuss selected challenges of using online tools to develop specialised lexis. An outline of difficulties in professional vocabulary learning and a review of the main characteristics of teaching EMP will also be included.

        Speakers: Agnieszka Dzieciol-Pedich (University of Bialystok), Agnieszka Dudzik (Medical University of Bialystok, Poland)
      • 28
        The use of authentic texts in Language for Special Purposes

        The objective of the paper is to establish the relation between the use of authentic texts in the classes of Language for Special Purposes and the improvement of communicative abilities of students of tertiary education. At the university level, in particular, many teachers of Language for Specific Purposes become very much dependent on the published textbooks available, and even worse, when there are no textbooks available for a particular discipline, resolve in teaching from textbooks that may be quite unsuitable or published several years ago with out-dated content. Teachers are therefore left with no alternative than to develop original materials. Taking into consideration such a challenge, the Language for Specific Purposes practitioner's role as ”researcher” is especially important, with results leading directly to appropriate materials for the classroom. The paper analyses various authentic sources suitable for LSP classes based on the previous experience of language teachers and compares the use of those sources in teaching English for Specific Purposes for the Slovak students and teaching the Slovak language for the foreign students of medicine in Slovakia.. The method used in this research is comparative analyses focusing on the content of the classes, where authentic materials have been applied within the class. The results lead to the creation of suitable models of teaching classes for the university students with different backgrounds focusing on the use of authentic texts.

        Speakers: Erika Jurišová, Ivana Kapráliková (Assistant Professor)
    • Specialised discourse: Law and other
      Conveners: Jekaterina Čerņevska (Faculty of Humanities, Department of English Studies), Ruta Svetina (University of Latvia)
      • 29
        Place deixis and discourse deixis in mechanical engineering discourse

        With advances in machinery manufacturing and material processing techniques in the recent decades, there is an ongoing necessity to study the pragmatic meaning construction in various genres of mechanical engineering discourse. Deixis is one of the fundamental pragmatic phenomena that explicitly illustrates the inevitable interconnectedness between the linguistically encoded and contextual parts of meaning as its semantic meaning is underdetermined and typically enriched by the context of the deictic expression use. The present study focuses on such categories of deixis as place deixis and discourse deixis and aims to explore their use in mechanical engineering discourse. The research is approached from a mixed-method perspective and implements such methods as frequency count and discourse analysis. The research type is case study. The data has been obtained from three textbooks, three research articles and three encyclopaedia chapters pertaining to the field of mechanical engineering. Each of the corpora comprises approximately 50,000 words. The findings demonstrate that the use of place and discourse deixes is relatively limited in the discourse under analysis. However, the deictic centre of the utterances that include the analysed deictic expressions can be writer-oriented or reader-oriented. Moreover, certain linguistic elements such as demonstrative ‘this’ or proximal adverb of space ‘here’ can be classified as either place or discourse deixis. It can be concluded that the frequency of the analysed phenomena also depends on the genre within the same professional domain.

        Speaker: Ms Jekaterina Čerņevska (Faculty of Humanities, Department of English Studies)
      • 30
        How to help students write professionally

        Due to the acceptance of a university diploma in other countries, Faculty of Pharmacy, Comenius University Bratislava graduates are demanded professionally, and their language skills and abilities are required. Students often face the requirement to write a professional article and prepare an abstract, poster, or other written scientific paper. At the Department of Languages, we assumed that the extension of subjects by Medical Writing would be the best tool in helping students to cope with the professional writing requirements.
        For this reason, in the form of a questionnaire, we asked 100 students for their opinion on whether the new subject would meet their needs to improve their publishing knowledge and skills. 96% agreement confirmed the correctness of this decision. Medical Writing will focus on basic concepts, text functions, or the identification and creation of various text types.
        For to the need to take into account the professional orientation and communication of students abroad, and also to the study of professional literature, which is mainly available only in English, and the need to publish scientific papers in foreign professional publications, teaching Medical Writing will be conducted exclusively in English. Medical Writing seminars will form a practical guide for students who need the mentioned skills during their studies and subsequently in a professional carrier home and abroad.

        Key words: student, pharmacy, subject, Medical writing, English.

        Speaker: Viera Žufková (Comenius University Bratislava)
      • 31
        Cognitive genre and English for Multi- disciplinary Academic Purposes

        This paper reports an ongoing longitudinal action research cycle investigating the application of cognitive genre (Bruce, 2005) to the existing language element of a pre-sessional English for Academic Purposes (EAP) course at a UK university. This course is followed by students from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds, hence the need to make explicit the role of cognitive genres in helping students to become effective communicators in their own fields. There are two reasons for this development. The first is that effective academic reading for learning requires an ability to identify the rhetorical purpose of a text, and then notice writer’s choices in terms of moves and the discourse patterns that emerge from that purpose. The second relates to the reductive nature of models of argumentation (Walkova and Bradford, 2022). It is felt a focus on cognitive genre can go some way in highlighting the complexity inherent in academic arguments. This action research therefore involves an introduction of the higher order levels of cognitive genre (rhetorical purpose, image schema and discourse patterns) to existing pre-sessional course material, and we aim to discover whether connections between rhetorical purpose, text structures and discourse patterns can be made more salient for our students, supporting the focus on English for Multi-disciplinary Academic Purposes (EMDAP) (Gillway, 2020) since these structures and patterns occur across disciplines and social genres. The discussion will be informed by data gathered through student focus groups, and this will be supplemented with interview data reporting teachers’ perspectives.

        Speakers: Mr Grant Hartley (University of Bristol), Mr Tony Prince (University of Bristol), Mr Kevin Haines (University of Bristol)
      • 32
        Discourse - pragmatic adequacy and cognitive inferences in language production

        The present time tendencies demonstrate that Latvia has two distinct layers of population as concerns immigration: those who immigrated in the late 90’ or at the beginning of the millennium to satisfy their social, financial needs and requirements and who are repatriating to Latvia presently, and those who having completed their service in the western or eastern countries return to their former communities being successful in their social and environmental settings.
        The focus of this case study is on considering 5–10-year-old age group individuals who used to be residents in foreign countries, who were brought up in Latvian-origin families and who, upon returning to Latvia, face discourse-pragmatic challenges in language perception and production.
        The present study bears an interdisciplinary nature; it is based on discourse- pragmatics related theoretical contributions in the intersection with the theories pertaining to cognitive aspects of language perception. The paper attempts to argue that several subjective and objective factors can cause language production difficulties when the language is used in a variety of settings.
        A four-year period, from 2017-2021, was considered: observations and structured interviews were applied as research instruments.
        The study has drawn a conclusion that the ability of children, who refer to repatriate families, to establish adequate discourse-pragmatic language production in meaningful educational and/or social contexts in Latvia much depends on: a) subjective and objective factors, b) discourse-pragmatic adequacy in language use, which is related to cognitive inferences made.

        Speakers: Gunta Rozina, Indra Karapetjana (University of Latvia, Faculty of Humanities), Marina Losevica (University of Latvia)
      • 33
        The system of genres at the European Court of Human Rights: focus on case communication

        To talk of legal language in international courts is to talk of “usefully distinguishable” legal genres (Bhatia, 1983: 227), which form a system of genres (Bazerman, 1994), i.e. “the interrelated genres that interact with each other in specific settings” (Bazerman, 1994: 97). This study overviews the system of legal genres at the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), which are represented by procedural documents of this supranational court. The study pursues the goal of describing a hitherto unresearched and semi-“occluded genre” (Swales 1996; Nikitina 2018) of case communication, contributing to research on the discursive practices at the ECtHR, which are rather scarce at the moment.
        The analysis traces a typical flow of documents between the Court and the parties involved, overviewing generic structures and the language of communication. While initial applications to the ECtHR may be lodged in any national language of 47 Member States of the Council of Europe, starting from the case communication stage all interaction between the parties has to occur in one of the Court’s official languages, English or French. Case communications thus play a linguistically important role as they mark the passage from national into official languages in interaction with the parties. Case communications represent also a turning point in the procedure before the ECtHR as they acknowledge that the case has been deemed admissible and orient the following written procedure.
        The results identify and describe recurrent patterns in case communications relying on a qualitative discourse- and genre-analytical toolkit combined with quantitative inputs using corpus linguistics methodology.

        Bazerman, C. (1994) Systems of genres and the enhancement of social intentions. In A. Freedman and P. Medway (eds.), Genre and New Rhetoric, (pp. 79-101). London: Taylor and Francis.
        Bhatia, V. (1983) An Applied Discourse Analysis of English Legislative Writing. Birmingham: University of Aston.
        Nikitina, J. (2018) Written Pleadings before the ECtHR. Genre Description and Text-Organising Patterns. Vicalvi: Key Editore.
        Swales, J. (1996) Occluded genres in the academy: The case of the submission letter. In E. Ventola and A. Mauranen (eds.), Academic writing: Intercultural and textual issues (pp. 45-58). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

        Speaker: Dr Jekaterina Nikitina (UniCamillus - Saint Camillus International Medical University in Rome)
    • CIBERCAFÉ Literatura letona en traducciones al español
      Conveners: Miguel Ángel Pérez Sánchez (Universidad de Letonia), Alla Placinska (University of Latvia)
    • Poster session
      Convener: Liga Belicka (University of Latvia)
      • 35
        The role of listening in the ELT process

        The article discusses the main principles behind listening in the ELT classroom and gives the reader the background to some of the debates (e.g. bottom-up versus top-down theories). Analysis procedures in a method-comparison study include the main research findings that have influenced the way we conceptualise and speak about listening in ELT in general, as well as the main research findings from the ELT projects at the University of Economics in Bratislava.

        Speaker: Sonia Krajčík Danišová (EUBA)
      • 36
        Facilitating multimodal communication in individuals with complex communication needs: a perspective of AAC-based language

        Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) refers to all the methods of communication besides oral speech people use to achieve communication goals. It is the major modality of language used in individuals with complex communication needs resulting from a variety of disabilities. This study focuses on individuals with Rett syndrome, a rare genetic neurodevelopmental disability that causes a progressive decline in motor, speech, and other functioning, and systematically reviews existing literature on the implementation of aided AAC intervention in supporting communication in this underrepresented population. This review aims to examine the principal trends in research on aided AAC intervention and individuals with Rett syndrome, the types of aided AAC intervention and its outcomes on communication in individuals with Rett syndrome, and the limitations and future directions in this field. The initial search returned 124 articles which were reduced to 35 articles after duplicates were removed. After full-text review, 7 articles that met the inclusion criteria were identified. The findings are discussed in regards to the types of interventions, settings and participants characteristics, study designs, the effectiveness of the interventions on targeted communication skills (e.g., requesting preferred objects, using graphic symbols, taking communicative turns). This review demonstrated the effectiveness of aided AAC intervention and highlighted the potential and the pivotal role of eye-gaze technology in facilitating communication in individuals with Rett syndrome. This review also showed a critical need to carry out and support more evidence-based studies in facilitating communication intervention in various settings for individuals with Rett syndrome.

        Speaker: Ms Xing Wei (University of Georgia)
      • 37
        Linguistic profiles and language practices of students enrolled in ESP courses: Applications for curriculum development

        The current study is based on data which was collected in the form of a questionnaire with the goal of establishing linguistic profiles as well as language needs and practices of students enrolled in 3 different English for Specific Purposes (ESP) courses at Tallinn University, Estonia. Responses of 50 students were analyzed qualitatively as well as quantitatively. Study participant demographic data demonstrated that students taking ESP courses represent different age groups (ranging from 21 to 54 years old), have different language backgrounds (almost a fifth speaking Russian as their 1st language), as well as differ in terms of their academic experience (ranging from students with no advanced degrees to PhD holders). Quantitative analysis revealed that students’ motivation to learn English decreases with age: younger learners appear to be more interested in mastering their English language skills. As far as English language practices, the results showed that the age of students is positively correlated with their communication patterns: younger students are more likely to use English for communication purposes. Additionally, the questionnaire showed that younger students tend to use English at work with their colleagues more frequently than their older classmates. These results among others are discussed in the context of ESP curriculum development and course design.

        Speaker: Alina Yevchuk (Tallinn University)
    • Publishers Speaking: Pearson: Andrew Khan. Does a new learning landscape require a new approach to assessment?
      • 38
        Does a new learning landscape require a new approach to assessment?

        In this session, we’ll look at how innovations in English testing can help schools, teachers and learners effectively address issues around placement, progression, remediation and certification impacted by the shift towards hybrid and digital-first learning. We’ll explore how the traditional model of end-of-course assessment is changing and review the ways in which measuring English proficiency throughout the learning journey can unlock opportunities for a more personalised approach to language development. Whether your school is ‘back to normal’ or adjusting to a ‘new normal’, find out how assessment can motivate, support and inspire your learners.

        Speaker: Andrew Khan (Pearson)
    • Keynote Speech: Prof. Liliana Szczuka-Dorna (Poznan University of Technology, Poland). ESP Quo Vadis?
      Convener: Jana Kuzmina (University of Latvia)
      • 39
        ESP Quo Vadis?

        Teaching languages to students at higher education institutions (HEI) has undergone a major transformation. The contemporary world requires new skills from graduates from different HEI, so the process of change is almost constant. For years teachers have looked for the best solutions in didactics, not only taking into account the required outcomes and students’ expectations, but also international and national documents on education policy.

        The presentation will focus on three main points.

        In the first part, the presenter will provide some definitions of ESP as well as areas of interest, e.g. EAP, EPP, etc. An analysis of selected key areas in ESP course development will be given. Special attention will be paid to the role of needs analysis in the course design process. Moreover, some ideas on developing the curriculum of ESP courses will be discussed.

        The second part will focus on the model of ESP courses in the Centre of Languages and Communication (CLC) at Poznan University of Technology. The presenter will describe the key steps in developing ESP courses for engineers in CLC. The final model of ESP courses with practical examples and teachers’ feedback will be shown. This part of the presentation will consider the importance of specialist discourse in teaching ESP.

        Finally, the presenter will discuss some international examples from selected universities, which are members of CercleS, and will report on the present situation in ESP as well as future trends which should be considered.

        Speaker: Liliana Szczuka-Dorna (Centre of Languages and Communication, Poznan University of Technology)
    • Keynote Speech: Prof. Ángel Felíces Lago (University of Granada, Spain). Why is the cultural briefing also necessary among Spanish-speaking countries? Non-verbal cross-cultural differences under scrutiny
      Convener: Jana Kuzmina (University of Latvia)
      • 40
        Why the cultural briefing is also necessary among Spanish-speaking countries? Non-verbal cross-cultural differences under scrutiny

        A widespread fallacy in the business world of Spanish-speaking countries is that speaking or sharing a common language minimizes cultural differences and, consequently, it is not necessary to make effort to learn about these possible differences through expert advice tools such as "cultural briefing" before a negotiation. However, as countless examples have shown, many promising deals have not come to a "happy end" because of ignorance of these differences. Accordingly, the rigorous study of the variations and differences in nonverbal communication that manifest themselves in business behavior among Spanish-speaking countries is of utmost importance and, consequently, both native Spanish speakers and students of Spanish for Business should become familiar with them to improve their cultural competence. This perspective is practically absent in the teaching materials published to date in Spanish for Business, with notable exceptions (Brenes and Lauterborn 2002; Cahill and De los Ríos, 2002; Felices, Iriarte, Núñez and Calderón 2010; Scott and Fryer 2019) even if their approach tends to be superficial. Therefore, a systematization of these variations is a pending task and may prove a useful tool for the future design of didactic resources. The well-known cultural dimensions provided by Edward Hall or Geert Hofstede are a good starting point to initiate this approach. The selection of textual examples offered in our presentation will serve to contrast the cultural differences that go unnoticed by many authors of current business etiquette guides.

        Speaker: Ángel Felices-Lago (UNIVERSIDAD DE GRANADA)
    • Keynote Speech: Prof. Emer. Anita Naciscione (Latvian Academy of Culture, Latvia). Stylistic use of allusion: A study of verbal and multimodal discourse
      Convener: Jana Kuzmina (University of Latvia)
      • 41
        Stylistic use of allusion: A study of verbal and multimodal discourse

        My aim is to explore creative instantiations of allusion to figurative thought in verbal and multimodal discourse. How does allusion interact with other stylistic patterns in conveying an implicit reference to a figurative thought in creative use?
        Theoretical conclusions are drawn, applying the tenets of cognitive linguistics about the significance of figurative thought and language (Gibbs 1994, Lakoff and Turner 1989). I have applied the method of identification of figurative thought in discourse (Naciscione 2010) and the method of critical metaphor analysis (Charteris-Black 2014) in semantic and stylistic study of my empirical material, which I have chosen from my own collection of stylistic use of phraseological units.
        Allusion is a cognitive challenge not only when it is an implied reference to historical, mythological, cultural, social or political phenomena and events but especially when it serves to convey a figurative thought, reflecting a figurative mode of thinking which is “a fundamental characteristic of the human mind” (Gibbs, 1994).
        Perception, recognition, comprehension and identification of figurative thought are cognitive faculties of the mind. The application of these skills are mental processes, which enable people not only to appreciate creative stylistic use but also to create novel figurative instantiations.
        Phraseological allusion is an implicit mental reference to the figurative thought of a phraseological unit, which is represented in discourse by one or more explicit image-bearing constituents, hinting at its image. Instantiation of the pattern of allusion encompasses other stylistic patterns, which develp and sustain the figurative thought: metaphor, extended metaphor, metonymy, and pun.

        Speaker: Prof. Anita Naciscione (Latvian Academy of Culture)
    • 11:15 AM
      Dance Break
    • Arts, cultures, social sciences, literature
      Conveners: Antra Leine (Faculty of Humanities, English Language Department), Laimdota Ločmele (Centre for Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Humanities, University of Latvia)
      • 42
        Language for an Introduction to Literary Studies

        The English language becomes one's own when one is able to use it to reach one's goals and one of the objectives of the students of English Philology at the University of Latvia, is to learn the key concepts of literary studies. Attaining the desired proficiency in literary analysis is a complicated task, as it requires not only a very good understanding of both spoken and written English language, but also ability to understand and operate with terminology students are not acquainted with. The research examines the terms and knowledge that are necessary for the beginners of English Philology studies to deal with some of the key texts in the field of literary studies and some methods used to help students to master the complexities of the field.

        Speaker: Antra Leine (Faculty of Humanities, English Language Department)
      • 43
        “Does a candle have a cold and a dingle spout?”: using prank interactions to teach the language of ethnographic research methods

        Language and its use is often taken for granted which can affect students’ grasp of conceptual and theoretical ideas in research methods courses (Jarvis, 2007). Insights from LSP (Language for Specific Purposes) research may to address this issue. Here, specifically y to help students integrate their learning through utilising interaction to practice observation to make features of language more accessible to other students in the Social Sciences. As such, LSP for this purpose is also understood as a means of teaching genre specific language for research methods (Hyland, 2006; Jones & McCracken, 2007; Shaw, 2016; Trosborg, 1997).

        This talk reflects on teaching observational methods and its language to postgraduate students in Sociology at a University in the UK. The aim was to provide students with theoretical understanding of the method, confidence in producing good quality field notes, managing the resulting data, and connecting it back to the methodology through analysis. Teaching in this course consisted of recorded lectures and in-depth, hands-on workshops. Students conducted a guided observation of a YouTube video using a purpose-built webtool (built by the author). This added a gamified element to the teaching (Camp & Wheaton, 2014; Gan, Menkhoff, & Smith, 2015; Safapour, Kermanshachi, & Taneja, 2019). Students were exposed to both formatted and unformatted data to help them explore both hand and software aided coding of their data (Blismas & Dainty, 2003; Bree & Gallagher, 2016) to learn and apply the language of qualitative research methods in action.

        Speaker: Geraldine Bengsch (King's College London)
      • 44
        The adventures of Hong Gil-dong, the hero of the two Koreas from Joseon Dynasty novel to South Korean translation and North Korean movie

        The story of Hong Gil-dong is a heroic novel widely read in the 19th century, dating back to the Joseon Dynasty (1392 ~ 1897) before the two Koreas were divided in 1953. Today, this classic is reborn as animated films, TV shows, movies, and online games in both Koreas, and communicates with international readers as the most quintessential Korean classic translated into English. The 2016 edition of the English translation is sourced from the Joseon Dynasty classic by a South Korean author. This paper aims to examine how the discourse of the hero is reinterpreted in the North Korean film produced in 1986, swaying in the wave of structural dynamism by comparative analysis with the international version by the South Korean author. To that end, as a method of study, this paper applies the analysis of the contents of the novels, movies, and previous studies. From this, differences in character identity, characters based on historical interpretation, thematic consciousness, and the establishment of an ideal society are deduced into the results.

        Speaker: Jung Ran Park
      • 45
        Strategic use of speech acts in the story “Tell the Truth...” by Nicholasa Mohr

        The story “Tell the truth…” is part of the book “El Bronx Remembered” which was written by Nicholasa Mohr, the first Nuyorican woman who had her literary works published in the United States of America. “El Bronx Remembered” was first published in 1975 and it draws attention to the “Great Migration” of Puerto Ricans to New York in the 1950’s. The stories reflect the hardships of Puerto Rican migrants through the eyes of characters who are children, teenagers and young adults. The story “Tell the truth…” depicts a conversation between a lawyer, Mr. Crane, and Vickie, a 13 year old teenager. He is trying to make her confess to having seen a package of drugs in the apartment she was living in. Mrs. Vargas, a single mother and a numbers runner in the Bolita lottery, had asked her daughter, Vickie, not to say anything to anyone because everything was a frame-up. The objective of this paper is to describe within the framework of Conversation Analysis (Schegloff et al., 1974; Briz, 2018) how certain speech acts are strategically used and combined by the lawyer in order to obtain the confession of the teenager. He resorts to directives which contain yes or no questions and to linguistic intensifiers. He also uses multiple directives that follow each other in order to put pressure on the teenager. The lawyer makes her a compliment, but he also insults her. The use of impoliteness is strategic in his argumentation. The expressive speech act of giving “thanks” performed by the teenager arouses interest because it marks the closing of their verbal interaction. It can also be noticed that Vickie does not answer back various times during their conversational turn-taking, so the adjacency pair question-answer is left uncompleted. The story “Tell the truth…” is actually a story in which both characters do not tell the truth, as some speech acts infringe on the sincerity condition.

        Briz, A. (2018). Al hilo del español hablado. Reflexiones sobre pragmática y español coloquial. Sevilla: Editorial Universidad de Sevilla.
        Brown, P. & S. C. Levinson (1987). Politeness. Some universals in language usage. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
        Kamalu I. & K. Fasasi (2018). “Impoliteness and face-threatening acts as conversational strategies among undergraduates of state universities in Southwest Nigeria”, Language Matters, Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, pp. 23-38.
        Leech, G. N. (1983): Principles of Pragmatics, London, New York: Longman.
        Mohr, N. (1993). “Tell the truth…”, El Bronx Remembered. A novella and stories. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, pp. 36-48.
        Schegloff, E. A. & H. Sacks (1973). “Opening up Closings”, Semiotica, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 289-327.
        Schegloff, E. A. , H. Sacks & G. Jefferson (1974). “A simplest systematics for the organization of turn-taking for conversation”. Language, vol. 50, no 4, pp. 696-735.
        Searle, J. R. (1979). Expression and meaning. Studies into the theory of speech acts. London: Cambridge University Press.

        Speaker: Simona-Luiza Țigriș (University of Bucharest)
      • 46
        Simon's Biloxi Blues: A pragmatics reading

        The present paper explores Culpeper’s impoliteness strategies in selected extracts from Neil Simon’s Biloxi Blues to reveal how Culpeper’s impoliteness strategies are realised in dramatic texts from a pragmatics perspective. Impoliteness is a new field of study and an uncharted field of pragmatics. It also aims to provide a framework for implementing impoliteness strategies in the play to interpret it from different perspectives and to ascertain the impoliteness strategies that are relevant to face attack. Impoliteness strategies can cause disharmony and conflict between characters in a dramatic text. The interactions exchanged by the characters in the play are analysed according to five impoliteness strategies: bald on record impoliteness, positive impoliteness, negative impoliteness, sarcasm or mock politeness, and withhold politeness. This comedy was chosen for four reasons: first, drama is a mirror to life, and real-life speech events, second, drama is a useful medium for analysing speech events, third, impoliteness strategies give us a resource to analyse and interpret impolite interactions between the characters, fourth, dramatic dialogues are resourceful enough to interpret verbal and non-verbal impoliteness strategies. This study adopts a qualitative textual analysis method from a pragmatics perspective.

        Speakers: Müjde Demiray (Süleyman Demirel University ), Prof. Ömer Şekerci (Süleyman Demirel University)
    • Corpus studies in LSP
      Convener: Lauma Lapa
      • 47
        What do math students write in english class: Towards a corpus study

        The aim of the paper is to look at how young mathematicians view the subject of mathematics in relation to other subjects and topics. The study could help understand the process of thought and the trends of interest in the student population which could assist in creating better-tailored language acquisition tasks.
        The research procedure included creating a corpus of various essays written by B2 to C2 level students of Mathematics and Statistics over a period of seven years and building machine-readable text files. The quantitative research method was corpus analysis. The qualitative research method was semantic field analysis.
        Lexemes with the root MATH* formed the core of the field of study. Semantic relationships were determined and categorized, revealing the attitude of the author towards both the topic of the essay and the science they study. The students had pre-set topics and free-choice themes for essays. The results varied: the majority of the essays where the student had a pre-set topic contained a denser and more elaborate semantic field of MATH[EMATICS] than those with a freely chosen topic.
        The semantic field study reveals that the students express eagerness and confidence in their chosen field and view it as the basis of other sciences and even art, as well as a connecting tissue between real life and science.

        Speakers: Ms Lauma Lapa (Univeresity of Latvia), Ms Maija Olšteina (University of Latvia)
      • 48
        A look at the interaction between intonation and genre moves in academic spoken English

        Academic speaking is one of the main skills needed in international scientific communication online, as attested by the growing number of studies on both traditional and emergent spoken and multimodal academic genres (Charles, 2021; Luzón & Pérez-Llantada, 2019). Still, although intonation is an inescapable feature of spoken discourse, few studies have addressed it analytically. This study looks at the contribution of intonation to spoken academic discourse by analysing the most frequent intonation groups in a small ad-hoc corpus of 47 videos where researchers present methodological procedures. The intonation groups are analysed drawing from Hafner’s (2018) move analysis and the functions of intonation as described in Tench (1996, 2011) and Gussenhoven (1984, 2004). The analysis shows that frequent intonation groups are used functionally in the same moves, fulfilling similar communicative purposes. This is shown by a detailed analysis of the division of speech into these groups, the emphasized words in each group, and the tunes used to present the information they convey. These findings are relevant to highlight the importance of using intonation actively in academic speaking for the purposes of the speaker and the furtherance of their communicative aims, arguing that a neglect of the use of intonation might result in delivering the messages in a less efficient way, as the data suggest. This line of though favours the idea that intonation needs to be taught in courses that deal with speaking in English for Academic Purposes.

        Charles, M. (2021). EAP Research in BALEAP 1975-2019: Past issues and future directions. Journal of English for Academic Purpose, 55, 101060. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jeap.2021.101060.
        Gussenhoven, C. (1984). A semantic analysis of the nuclear tones of English. In On the Grammar and Semantics of Sentence Accents (pp. 193–290). Foris Publications. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110859263.193
        Gussenhoven, C. (2004). The Phonology of Tone and Intonation. Cambridge University Press.
        Hafner, C. A. (2018). Genre innovation and multimodal expression in scholarly communication: Video methods articles in experimental biology. Ibérica, 36, 15–42. http://www.aelfe.org/documents/36_01_IBERICA.pdf
        Luzón, M. J., & Pérez-Llantada, C. (2019). Science Communication on the Internet: Old genres meet new genres. John Benjamins.
        Tench, P. (1996). The Intonation Systems of English. Cassell.
        Tench, P. (2011). Transcribing the Sound of English. Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/cbo9780511698361

        Speaker: Miguel A. Vela-Tafalla (University of Zaragoza)
      • 49
        Parallel and Comparable Corpora for Terminology Analysis in the Domain of Migration

        The aim of the paper is to present the bilingual (English – Lithuanian) corpora compiled for research on specialized language in the domain of migration. The topic of migration has been found as one of the most significant themes for discussion recently. In 2021-2022, migration through the EU eastern boarders has got a huge scale and obtained new dimensions as it has been used for organizing hybrid attacks against the EU states. Terminology of migration has become of immense importance both for migrating people and politicians, officials and boarder officers dealing with the migration crisis. Corpus linguistics methods can enable to analyse various aspects of migration terms and thus contribute to terminology management of this domain.
        Two types of bilingual corpora have been compiled for the research: parallel and comparable. The parallel corpus has been composed of international legal acts on migration issues: their original version in English and translations into Lithuanian. The parallel corpus includes the EU legal acts and other documents, as well as legal acts of international organisations – United Nations and Council of Europe. Meanwhile, the comparable corpus has been composed of Lithuanian and UK national legal acts and other documents from the migration domain written in the original English and Lithuanian languages. The compiled corpora will allow to analyse migration terms in the international and national settings: to model and compare the terminological-concept structures of the domain, as well as to study formation and usage patterns of the terms in international and national documents.
        The presentation will provide the principles of compilation of the corpora and results of their structural analysis, as well as future objectives of terminology extraction from the corpora and subsequent research.

        Keywords: specialized language, migration domain, parallel corpus, comparable corpus, terminology analysis

        Speaker: Olga Ušinskienė
      • 50
        Maternal level of education and its influence on the adult lexical availability

        This communication analyses the lexical availability of students in early childhood education and primary education University Degrees in relation to the variable level of maternal studies organized in four options: (1) uneducated, (2) primary studies, (3) secondary studies, high school or vocational training, and (4) university studies. The aim of this research was to analyse whether a higher level of maternal studies implied an increase in the lexical availability of university students. To carry out this work, 591 informants responded to a survey divided into two sections. The first was to collect sociodemographic data, and the second one, to assess the available lexicon based on eighteen centres of interest (the sixteen traditional ones and two novelties: New Technologies: ICT and Education). The results obtained from a corpus of 205,097 words show that the expected linearity between the level of maternal education and lexical availability does not remain constant for the analysis of the whole corpus or the study of the unique words. In spite of this, the results collected are evocative. As it happens, for example, the lexical superiority in certain subject areas by the group of uneducated mothers as is the case in the centres of interest 'The kitchen and its utensils', 'Heating and lighting', and 'Work in the field and garden'.

        Speaker: Cristina V. Herranz-Llácer (Rey Juan Carlos University)
      • 51
        A Story of Latvia in The Guardian

        The analysis is performed on the corpus of publications on Latvia selected by applying purposive-representative sampling from Latvia coverage by the UK edition of the Guardian over the period spanning from 2003 to 2022. The research aims at determining the patterns of national representation of Latvia and as such is devised at three levels of analysis, where the outer frame is devoted to the thematic analysis of representation based on van Dijk’s (1980, 2001) concept of semantic macrostructures, succeeded by the review of argumentation schemes employed in the coverage drawing on Walton (1996) and supported by the insights into the axiological charge (Krzeszowski 1990, 1993, 1997, 2004; Felices Lago 2014) of the given discourse. The empirical discussion employs corpus-based methodologies alongside socio-cognitive, and socio-semantic approaches to discourse studies and holds inductive analysis of semantic macrostructures performed on the headlines, the lead, topic sentences as well as concluding sections of the selected articles. The thematic analysis is enhanced by the categorization of argumentation schemes employed in the text as well as the discourse axiological values. Findings suggest that the pattern of national representation has changed from general information to more specific with types of argumentation schemes largely centring on similarities, differences, moral values, historical reference, etc. activating axiological space at three levels, societal, group, and individual.

        Keywords: national representation, semantic macrostructures, argumentation schemes, axiological values

        Speaker: Margarita Spirida
    • Descriptive aspects in LSP
      Conveners: Zigrida Vinčela (University of Latvia), Laura Karpinska (University of Latvia)
      • 52
        Latvian-English code-switching on social media

        People draw on the languages in their linguistic repertoire, depending on the speech participants’ needs and the conversational setting. The English language has gained salience and replaced the Russian language as the most often foreign language to learn at schools after Latvia regaining independence in 1990. Since then, it has been used widely as a lingua franca in various fields, for instance, international diplomacy, science, and education. This has been a fruitful environment for code-switching, as it is claimed that many young people alternate effortlessly between the Latvian language and the English language, which they often use as a means of communication, especially on social media. In order to ascertain the linguistic manifestation of code-switching, a study was conducted by using a descriptive qualitative design. Extra-sentential, inter-sentential, and intra-sentential code-switching was explored on social media. Extra-sentential switching or inserting tag elements from English into Latvian, inter-sentential switching characterized by a switch from Latvian to English outside the sentence or the clause level, and intra-sentential switching or switching from Latvian to English at the clause, phrase, or word level were observed. It was found out that the most frequent linguistic manifestation of code-switching was the insertion of single words. It can be concluded that code-switching reveals the speech participants’ sense of their personal and social identities.

        Speakers: Prof. Indra Karapetjana (University of Latvia, Faculty of Humanities), Prof. Gunta Roziņa (University of Latvia, Faculty of Humanities)
      • 53
        The social life of Philippine English phonology: Implications for international communication

        Philippine English is one of the New Englishes in the world that is situated in a country where numerous languages exist all over the archipelago. Given such diverse background, it is imperative that the approach to be used in illustrating its features must be inclusive to provide strong and acceptable claims particularly in the aspect of phonology. It has been suggested that the possible starting point for a more comprehensive description of its phonological features can be found in mother-tongue-based investigation that would include the speakers of the major languages. Thus, this investigation aims to describe the features of PE phonology based on the speech samples gathered from the speakers of the 13 major languages in the country. A total of 26 participants were asked to perform the reading aloud from the list of words and sentences as well as spontaneous verbal tasks. The data obtained were then transcribed and analyzed to illustrate the segmental (vowels and consonants) and suprasegmental (stress and intonation) features of PE. Based on the results, it was found that the vowel system of PE includes /ɪ/, /е/, /Ɛ/, /a/, /ɔ/, /o/, and /ʊ/. Moreover, the findings showed that speakers do not differentiate /i/ from /ɪ/; and /ʊ/ from /u/. As regards consonantal inventory, PE is characterized by stops / p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/ and /g/; fricatives /f, v, s, h, ꭍ/; affricates /tʃ, dƷ/; nasals /m, n, ŋ/; liquids /l, r/; and glides /w, j/. Furthermore, this study argues that voiced fricatives /z/, /ʒ/, /Ɵ/, and /ð/ are excluded from the phonological inventory PE as speakers tend to use /s/ for /z/; and approximant /ꭍ/ for /ʒ/. Also, the /Ɵ/ and /ð/ were inconsistently realized as /t/ and /d/ respectively. In the suprasegmental level, PE is characterized by penultimate stress, and all types of questions receive a rising intonation. This study indicates that new English varieties are influenced by various factors since they are situated in diverse context. With this, speakers from different backgrounds have multiple possibilities of phonological productions. Thus, variation is the norm as English language has been localized and indigenized to fulfill both local and international functions.

        Speaker: Annie Mae Berowa
      • 54
        Relating Biber et al.’s developmental progression index of grammatical features in academic prose to the CEFR

        A series of corpus-based studies by Biber and his colleague (Biber 1988, 2006, Biber et al. 1999, Biber & Gray 2016, Gray 2015) reveal that grammatical features which appear frequently in academic prose differ drastically from those in conversation. The former uses dependent phrases functioning as pre-and post-modifiers of the head noun, while the latter uses dependent clauses functioning as constituents of other clauses such as verb complements and adverbial clauses. Based on these findings, Biber et al. (2011) proposed a developmental progression index (DPI) of grammatical complexity. These studies, however, are not well recognized or adopted by curriculum planners, course instructors, material developers, and assessment designers working in the area of EAP, hard-CLIL and EMI, despite the fact that these courses do not only aim at the acquisition and appropriate use of vocabulary and grammatical constructions peculiar to academic contexts but also help learners acquire and deepen disciplinary knowledge through various receptive and productive activities of academese. One of the reasons for little awareness of linguistic features peculiar to academic prose by practitioners lies in the lack of applied studies which relate the DPI to more widely accepted proficiency scales: e.g., the CEFR’s six proficiency levels. This paper attempts to relate the DPI to the CEFR, comparing grammatical features in the DPI with those in the English Grammar Profile (EGP online, Hawkins & Filipović,2012) and then proposing grammatical structures necessary for university students at different proficiency levels to learn to become more competent users of academic prose.

        Keywords:grammatical complexity, academic prose, EGP, CLIL

        Speaker: Dr Noriko Nagai (Ibaraki University)
      • 55
        Pronunciation variation trends of General British English centring diphthongs across fields

        Phoneticians describe General British (GB) English diphthongs as centring and closing (Cruttenden, 2008; Collins et al. 2019, Carr, 2020) according to their glides. Centring diphthongs, the glide of which is the central vowel, are in the focus of linguists due to their gradual monophthongisation process. These in-process changes result in the inconsistent use of centring diphthongs in spoken communication. Such inconsistency can cause challenges in the acquisition and instruction of spoken English for specific purposes that strives towards intelligibility in specific field-based communicative contexts. These challenges have originated the purpose of the study that aims at exploring how far the pronunciation changes of centring diphthongs are represented in the online GB English dictionaries that are commonly used by students and how far these changes are observable in the BBC News reports covering various fields. Three dictionaries (two English monolingual and one English - Latvian) and a specialised corpus of extracts from BBC News with the participation of professional journalists were selected for the study. The comparative analysis of dictionaries revealed pronunciation variations; similarly, the variations were observed also in BBC News extracts devoted to specific thematic fields. The further analysis of the variations uncovered occasional consistency of the monophthongisation in the words that occur in the extracts devoted to different specific fields. These findings might enrich the spoken language activity design for specific purposes.

        Speaker: Zigrida Vinčela (University of Latvia)
    • Didactique et acquisition
      Convener: Jelena Vladimirska
      • 56
        Durabilité communicationnelle et communication interculturelle : acquis pré-professionnels des traducteurs et interprètes

        Le paradigme éducatif et formatif du XXIe siècle a intégré, parmi d’autres, les enjeux incontournables de la durabilité dans la pratique de l’enseignement ainsi que du partage du savoir et de l’expérience de la communication interculturelle, en milieu sociétal et professionnel.
        Ces deux approches d’enseignement-apprentissage posent cependant nombre de problèmes.
        Notre intervention fera part dès lors des perspectives de recherches issues d’expériences didactiques réalisées au sein de la faculté d’Interprètes et de traducteurs de l’Université Linguistique de Nijni Novgorod (Russie) en collaboration avec des collègues francophones de l’Institut de la Communication Professionnelle et Académique de l’Université d’Anvers 5belgique), ayant accepté de participer à l’enseignement du FOS en tandem avec des professeurs russes. Ce mode d’enseignement ouvre de nombreuses voies pour sensibiliser les apprenants au le concept de la durabilité en communication professionnelle et pour faire vivre nombre d’identités culturelles.

        Depuis son origine, la didactique de l’apprentissage des langues étrangères en tandem préconise l’échange, par deux apprenants, de savoirs en communication interculturelle. Dans notre conception, les acteurs du tandem sont deux enseignants : un enseignant locuteur natif, professeur invité, et un enseignant-médiateur, professeur local partageant les bagages linguistique et culturel francophones du collègue et ceux des apprenants, en l’occurrence russophones. La stratégie s’est révélée fructueuse et durable. Elle résulte d’une longue collaboration didactique continuellement soumise à un contrôle sévère de qualité.

        Dans le cas qui nous préoccupe, le tandem-enseignants pousse bien davantage les apprenants à se sensibiliser au système de pensée et de communication professionnelle durable en L2 lorsque le professeur local forme ses étudiants dans un contexte mono-culturel ou que le professeur invité se trouve seul devant la classe russophone de FOS. Les apprenants s’avèrent plus disponibles à construire leurs propres stratégies pour acquérir la langue et la culture visées, pour se former à la communication professionnelle durable et à la compétence interculturelle, vecteurs importants des acquis pré-professionnels des futurs traducteurs et interprètes.

        En effet, le rôle assigné au professeur local, médiateur entre les deux cultures russophone et francophone, est de neutraliser les incompréhensions et malentendus. Il contribue à optimiser la communication en faisant émerger les difficultés interculturelles qui pourraient passer inaperçues aux yeux des étudiants et du professeur natif francophone. Le professeur invité, lui, fait découvrir les aspects fondamentaux de la communication professionnelle durable et des identités culturelles francophones grâce à la présentation de situations communicationnelles vécues au quotidien en milieu professionnel et sociétal. Il accomplit les fonctions d’expert, grâce à qui les choses les plus simples de la vie quotidienne, soumises à la comparaison interculturelle, obtiennent de nouvelles couleurs, dévoilent des aspects inattendus et sont qualifiées autrement éveillant un intérêt explorateur des étudiants.

        Aussi les apprenants deviennent-ils non seulement acteurs dans ce contexte interculturel, mais aussi témoins de plusieurs visions du monde qui peinent parfois à trouver un terrain d’entente. La méthode du tandem-enseignants gagne en efficacité si elle se base sur quelques principes fondamentaux et sur un schéma didactique rigoureux, que nous présenterons.
        Elle incite à la créativité et à la durabilité in casu rédactionnelles et à l’autonomie en matière de production de compétences professionnelles. Ces aspects du savoir-être bien connu en didactique des langues étrangères sont en effet indispensables au futur traducteur/interprète. En outre, et ce n’est pas de moindre importance, il stimule la prise de conscience des concepts de base de la culture maternelle.

        La construction du travail en tandem est enrichissante et pertinente pour les parties : il permet de confronter des choix pédagogiques, de les remettre en question et de les optimiser. En faisant vivre des identités francophones et russophones, il permet aussi de se les approprier. Finalement, il donne lieu à des recherches innovantes en didactique et en traductologie.

        Mots clés : didactique – FOS – FLE – communication professionnelle – développement durable – tandem-enseignants – acquis pré-professionnels – traduction et interprétariat

        Speaker: Dominique Markey (Université d'Anvers, faculté de Linguistique et de Lettres, IPAC)
      • 57
        Place des actitivités théâtrales dans le FLO et le contexte de COVID-19

        L’évolution des nouvelles technologies, l’augmentation de la quantité et de la rapidité de l’information, et surtout la pandémie de COVID-19, ont transformé notre planète et les gens ces derniers temps. La personne moderne a encore plus de défis et de difficultés qu‘un individu désirant évoluer avant notre crise sanitaire actuelle. Notre but est de présenter des changements de l‘enseignement de français ces derniers 2-3 ans ainsi que les principales directions de la politique linguistique sous l’angle du plurilinguisme. L’objet de nos recherches est étroitement lié à l’analyse de l’enseignement du français sur objectifs spécifiques (FLO) aux adultes. Notre étude est basée sur la présentation descriptive des programmes de FLO au Centre de la formation des douaniers à Vilnius et à l‘Académie militaire de Lituanie ainsi que sur la comparaison qualitative du travail avec les enfants et les adultes en enseignant le français langue étrangère (FLE) à l‘Institut français de Lituanie. Nous présenterons de même l’importance des activités théâtrales en classe de FLO et de FLE dans les méthodes actives d‘enseignement ainsi que dans le contexte actuel de COVID-19.

        Speaker: Mr Miroslav Stasilo
      • 58
        Choisir une oeuvre littéraire : les enseignants et les apprenants, ont-ils les mêmes priorités ?

        Après avoir été au centre de tout apprentissage et après avoir vécu un oubli presque absolu, le texte littéraire, revient dans les classes de langues étrangères comme un support précieux qui crée avec chacun d'entre nous, apprenant débutant ou lecteur avancé, un lien profond grâce à son pouvoir artistique et interculturel singulier. Or, les enseignants de langues étrangères ont tendance à exprimer une certaine frustration par rapport à sa complexité et au manque potentiel de motivation pour ce genre de texte de la part des apprenants. 
        La question de la présente recherche est, par conséquent, liée à la façon dont les enseignants lettons perçoivent l'intérêt de l'utilisation de la littérature en classe de langue étrangère au lycée ainsi qu'à l'objectivité de leurs perceptions. 
        Afin de répondre à la question posée, nous avons confronté les avis des enseignants sur l'utilisation de textes littéraires comme support de base pour l'enseignement de langues étrangères au niveau B2-C1 au lycée en Lettonie aux avis des apprenants sur le même sujet. 
        Les résultats de l'étude ont montré que les apprenants témoignent bien souvent d'un choix plus profond et conscient que ce qu'en supposent provisoirement les enseignants. Grâce à sa complexité et spécificité, le texte littéraire apparaît dans les yeux des apprenants comme une lecture qui nécessite des compétences et des stratégies particulières ce qui favoriserait non seulement le développement de la compétence linguistique ainsi que celui de la compétence interculturelle.

        Speakers: Dina Savlovska, Vita Kalnberzina (University of Latvia)
      • 59
        Contribution to the Study of French for Sports

        Our communication is based on a mixed corpus: 10 glossaries of words connected with the most mediatized sports during the Olympic games of Tokyo (2021) and Beijing (2022) (athletics, basketball, football, handball, swimming, pentathlon, skiing, tennis, triathlon and hockey) and a collection of articles from the French newspapers Le Monde and L’Équipe concerning these two events. The analytical and descriptive study of the large amount of data from the corpus is possible thanks to the programs Lexico and Hyperbase.
        Our purpose is to study the forms of expressiveness of the French words connected with sports.
        Firstly, in the glossaries, we will analyze the mechanisms of creating new words by: metaphor (eg. biscotte “yellow card”, in football), metonymy / antonomasia (eg. un salchow “a type of jump” in figure skating), comparison (eg. monter en canard, in skiing) or personification (eg. caresser les pédales, in cycling).
        We will identify the figurative words and expressions in our media corpus and we will see how they make these two sporting events to be different, compared with the last editions.
        We will observe also the differences in the presentationo these two Olympic Games in the newspaper Le Monde and l'Equipe.
        The presence of a large number of figurative expressions in the media speech connected with in a sign that the organization of these competitions has been changing during the pandemic.

        Speaker: Teodor-Florin Zanoaga (Alfred Ernout Center (Paris, France))
      • 60
        La prise en compte des particularités psychologiques dans l'acquisition d'une langue de spécialité sur l'exemple de l'accent en français

        Dans le cadre de nos recherches sur l’apprentissage des langues de spécialité nous nous intéressons particulièrement à la phonétique, notamment l’accentuation, qui est une sorte de porte d’entrée d’une langue.
        Les recherches dans le domaine du traitement de l'accent, en linguistique française, ne se limitent souvent qu'à l'aspect purement physique ou phonétique. Notre hypothèse est que l'on ne peut rendre compte de l'accent en français sans prendre en compte, en particulier, la psychologie de l'individu, ce qui suppose le recours aux outils que fournit une autre discipline que la linguistique elle-même : la Psychologie.

        La vérification de notre hypothèse repose sur un corpus constitué de séquences vocales extraites de l'enregistrement de conversations de tous les jours de notre groupe expérimental.
        40 personnes ont été examinées. Après recueil de leurs paramètres sociophysiologique, linguistique et culturel, ont été déterminés leurs types psychologiques et ensuite analysés, de façon d'abord empirique, puis instrumentale, les échantillons de leurs productions verbales quotidiennes enregistrées. Sur la base des conclusions tirées de ces observations, on peut confirmer le lien entre, d'une part, les paramètres employés par la personne pour produire l'accent, sa place, le nombre d'accents et en général sa manière d'accentuer, et, d'autre part, son type psychologique.

        Speaker: Eugénie Bonner Bestchastnova (Mykolas Romeris University, Université Lyon 2, Université Paris Ouest la Défense)
      • 61
        Les marqueurs discursifs dans l’enseignement du français des relations internationales.

        Depuis les dernières années l’axe des recherches ayant pour l’objet les marqueurs discursifs s’élargit au domaine de la didactique des langues. « L’un des ressorts fondamentaux du fonctionnement du langage » (Paillard & Franckel 2008), les marqueurs discursifs sont impliqués dans tous les aspects qualitatifs de la langue parlée, à savoir étendue, aisance, interaction, cohérence. (Vladimirska, Gridina, Turlā-Pastare 2021). Les marqueurs discursifs constituent un objet d’enseignement pertinent pour le public diffèrent non seulement dans le domaine du FLE mais également dans le FOS.
        La présente étude a pour l’objectif d’étudier la place des marqueurs discursifs dans les méthodes de français des relations internationales et d’étudier les marqueurs dans la perspective actionnelle professionnelle. Tout d’abord, nous étudions la place accordée aux marqueurs discursifs au sein d’outils pédagogiques FOS (Relations Internationales : Objectif Diplomatie 1 (Hachette), Objectif Diplomatie 2 (Hachette), Affaires étrangères (CLE International). Dans le deuxième temps, pour définir le rôle des marqueurs discursifs dans la construction du discours professionnel et de la posture professionnelle, nous analysons les exemples tirés du corpus oral constitué d’entretiens semi-dirigés et de dialogues lors des épreuves orales des apprenants en français des relations internationales d’un niveau intermédiaire B1–B2 à un niveau avancé C1.

        Speaker: Jelena Gridina
    • Los estudios de corpus, metodología y el discurso especializado en LFE
      Conveners: Isabel Serra Pfennig (Universidad de las Islas Baleares), Lara Isabel Serén Raposo (Universidad de Letonia)
      • 62
        Los corpus en la explotación del aprendizaje de lenguas para fines específicos: el lenguaje técnico del Plan de acción para una economía circular

        La explotación de corpus representa un método eficaz en el aprendizaje de lenguas para fines específicos, allí donde las combinaciones de idiomas carecen de exhaustivos recursos documentales, como en el caso del italiano y el español. Después de una breve introducción teórica para justificar la incorporación de corpus en las TIC durante el proceso formativo, se procederá a ilustrar la parte práctica. En ella, se analizarán las leyes de los tres marcos del Plan de economía circular de 2015, 2018 y 2020. Se trata de un corpus paralelo constituido por dos partes: el corpus español (117.310 tokens y 100.816 palabras) y el italiano (109.753 tokens y 92.918 palabras). Este corpus no pretende ser una muestra exhaustiva, sino más bien representativa o un punto de referencia para la terminología especializada más importante para la preparación de un encargo o para el aprendizaje del lenguaje medioambiental en clase de traducción. Siendo un corpus jurídico-ambiental, tiene dos fuertes connotaciones, pues recoge las preocupaciones económico-jurídicas de una realidad cambiante, como es la del medio ambiente, en donde se intentan arrojar propósitos para respetar lo establecido por las Agendas mundiales al tiempo que el cambio climático muestra su significativa acción.
        Como conclusión de la propuesta, emerge que es importante saber tejer relaciones entre términos mediante la construcción de tesauros, ya que, si desconocemos los contextos de una palabra, podremos descubrir las colocaciones más frecuentes con su función de sujeto o de complemento directo, las colocaciones de verbos y adverbios, y datos adicionales acerca del contexto a través de colocaciones nominales y preposicionales, entre otros. Por otra parte, se encuentran ricas fuentes de vocabulario específico: en el caso del medioambiente encontramos nombres de sustancias, nombres propios, colocaciones tanto medioambientales como jurídicas, siglas y abreviaturas, neologismos mediante mecanismos de creación de palabras o términos pertenecientes a otras áreas y diferentes extranjerismos.

        Speaker: Rubén González Vallejo (Università degli Studi di Macerata)
      • 63
        El español para fines específicos: el caso del lenguaje médico

        El concepto de lengua de especialidad ha cobrado más protagonismo en los últimos años gracias a diferentes factores, entre los cuales destacan el aumento de los programas de intercambio de profesores y estudiantes o entornos cada vez más multilingües y pluriculturales, y el desarrollo de las plataformas digitales (redes sociales, herramientas pedagógicas o de entretenimiento). El resultado es la necesidad de un conocimiento más sectorial y más pormenorizado que tenga en cuenta las peculiaridades de cada lengua de especialidad y su nivel de dificultad a la hora de enseñarla a estudiantes L2 (o de lengua segunda). Esta breve comunicación se enmarca dentro de este dúplice escenario: por un lado, el marco teórico que se refiere a la lengua de especialidad; por otro, su aplicación en uno de los contextos comunicativos que más complicaciones causa por el alto nivel de especialidad que entraña, es decir, el ámbito médico. Se describirán algunos de los rasgos distintivos del español para fines específicos en el contexto médico siguiendo la taxonomía empleada por Sanz Rioyo: en cuanto al plano léxico, destacan el hermetismo debido a su grado de tecnicidad y la abundancia de cultismos de procedencia grecolatina. En el plano morfosintáctico sobresalen la presencia de verbos impersonales y el uso de sufijos que son exclusivos del lenguaje médico. Finalmente, la ponencia se completa con una ejemplificación de actividades que pueden favorecer el aprendizaje de esa lengua de especialidad: los destinatarios de la unidad didáctica serían estudiantes de lengua materna italiana con un conocimiento del español, de acuerdo con las directrices del Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las lenguas (MCER), de nivel B1 que quieran especializarse en el lenguaje específico de la salud. Entre los ejercicios que se detallarán destacamos la identificación de palabras clave, la reformulación de frases y la actividad de clozing.

        Speaker: Claudia Colantonio (Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza")
      • 64
        "El abstract y artículo de investigación en la clase de Inglés con Fines Específicos (IFE): consumo e insumo"

        El desarrollo de la competencia lingüística, discursiva y comunicativa que presupone saber una lengua extranjera como inglés impacta tanto en la formación académica, como en la futura inserción laboral de los egresados de la Universidad. Saber inglés no sólo brinda la posibilidad de estar mejor capacitado para vivir experiencias altamente enriquecedoras, como becas de estudio y trabajo; para quienes se hallan fuera de las esferas académicas centrales, el inglés contribuye además a garantizar un acceso más equitativo a fuentes de conocimiento actualizado.
        Con este marco referencial, y dada la importancia del abstract y artículo de investigación como géneros centrales de la comunicación científica, en el espacio curricular Nivel de Idioma Inglés ofrecido en la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias de la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, surge la necesidad de repensar el enfoque tradicional de IFE para propiciar el desarrollo de literacidades académicas. En este sentido, la enseñanza del idioma se piensa como una herramienta de enculturación disciplinar y académica.
        En este enfoque se entrelazan dos objetivos claros: ayudar a que los estudiantes mejoren su comprensión lectora en Inglés al mismo tiempo que exploran las características del abstract y del artículo de investigación (research paper) como géneros discursivos, considerando la perspectiva de quién lo lee y quién lo escribe.
        El presente trabajo de corte exploratorio descriptivo tiene como finalidad indagar la implementación de este enfoque, los principios didácticos y metodológicos que lo sustentan, y analizar la respuesta y desempeño de los estudiantes.

        Speakers: Mr Carlos Machado (Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata), Mrs Viviana Innocentini (Universidad Nacional de Mar de Plata)
      • 65
        Escritura colaborativa de géneros académicos en el aula de español L2: el resumen de textos argumentativos

        El resumen es una práctica discursiva común en los ámbitos académicos. Se trata de un género secundario (Bajtín, 1999) que reelabora otro texto con el fin de sintetizarlo y que cumple una función cognitiva en la construcción y formalización los conocimientos de las disciplinas. La realización de resúmenes resulta compleja ya que implica macro y micro habilidades (Cassany, 2008) e involucra aspectos macroestructurales, pragmáticos, superestructurales, y textuales (Pastor Cesteros, 2006). A esto se añade la dificultad atingente al tipo y modo textual del texto de origen, p. e., los textos argumentativos y multimodales presentan dificultades mayores (Aldecoa y Ruiz, 2009).
        Este trabajo en curso analiza una experiencia de escritura colaborativa de resumen de textos argumentativos realizada en línea de forma asíncrona. En ella participan 15 estudiantes universitarios de culturas educativas y lenguas distintas de una clase español como segunda lengua de nivel intermedio. La investigación es de tipo cualitativo y se apoya en herramienta Atlas.ti.9 para la codificación y ordenación de los datos. Como objetivos se marca observar en el proceso de producción lingüística de los resúmenes: (i) las operaciones relacionadas con la planificación, textualizacion, autorrevisión y revisión del texto, (ii) la actividad metalingüística y de gestión de la tarea generada, y (iii) el grado de resolución de la tarea encomendada.

        Speaker: Dr M. Victoria López Pérez (Universidad Pública de Navarra)
      • 66
        La organización categorial léxica en técnicas de andamiaje en la enseñanza de lenguas con fines específicos

        Los estudios de semántica cognitiva vinculados a la conceptualización y al ordenamiento del léxico con el que inferimos la realidad, desarrollados durante las últimas décadas a partir de teorías como la de los prototipos de Rosch o la de los Modelos Cognitivos Idealizados de Lakoff, han impulsado la necesidad de replantearnos el papel que juega el léxico y la competencia léxica en el aula de lenguas extranjeras. La presente comunicación aborda el modo en el que podemos considerar algunos fundamentos presentes en la lingüística cognitiva para desarrollar estrategias de andamiaje o scaffolding cuando se trabaja el léxico vinculado a la enseñanza de lenguas con fines específicos. Las estrategias de andamiaje relacionadas con la conceptualización y la presentación del léxico se materializan tanto de un modo explícito en la creación de materiales para su exposición en el aula como de un modo implícito en la propia interacción oral entre el profesor y el alumno. Así, en esta comunicación vamos a centrarnos en el modo en el que estas estrategias de andamiaje quedan contextualizadas en procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje dentro de los esquemas propios de la clase invertida, donde el alumno adquiere cierta autonomía, como en la retroalimentación directa que ofrece el docente en dichos procesos de interacción oral dentro del aula.

        Speaker: Ruymán Pérez Ramos (Harvard University)
      • 67
        Procedimientos para el análisis sistémico-funcional de textos arquitectónicos: una propuesta didáctica

        Entre los lenguajes de especialidad, quizás uno de los que con menor frecuencia ha recibido tratamiento en la Enseñanza de Lenguas con Fines Específicos es el concerniente al campo de la arquitectura. Proponemos para ello una aproximación didáctica a sus principales elementos formales y temáticos a partir de los desarrollos que la Lingüística Sistémico-Funcional ha recibido en las últimas décadas de la mano de autores como Theo van Leeuwen, Gunther Kress y Michael O'Toole, quienes han expandido sus principios fundamentales a otros sistemas semióticos y con ello dado lugar a una nueva disciplina: el Análisis Multimodal. Dentro de este marco teórico, entendemos el estudio de la lengua como una forma social de comunicación que se desarrolla en un contexto histórico y cultural dado y que lo hace, además, no de manera aislada sino en relación con otros sistemas de signos. Este tratamiento cobra todo su sentido en el lenguaje especializado de la arquitectura, en tanto que sus funciones comunicativas, las mismas que la LSF establece como constitutivas de las lenguas naturales, sirven para dar cuenta de objetos geométricos en tres dimensiones (casas, iglesias, centros comerciales…) que tienen un propósito (función experiencial), que dan lugar a relaciones sociales (función interpersonal) y que manifiestan coherencia compositiva (función textual). La lengua y su objeto quedan de esta manera inextricablemente unidos. Servirá de ejemplo el análisis de un artículo prototípico de una revista de arquitectura (texto e imágenes) con una breve exposición del trabajo didáctico que puede llevarse a cabo mediante esta metodología.

        Speaker: Miguel Ángel Pérez Sánchez (Universidad de Letonia)
    • Student Session: language acquisition, text linguistics, corpus analysis, culture and literature studies
      Conveners: Jekaterina Čerņevska (Faculty of Humanities, Department of English Studies), Kristīna Korneliusa (University of Latvia)
      • 68
        Developing Pragmatics-Focused English for Specific Purposes Online Courses

        The study explores the importance and specifics of enhancing ESP learners’ pragmatic competence as well as the benefits availed by the online environment for creating and delivering efficient and up-to-date ESP courses that would meet the learners’ needs. Building on prior contributions of scholars and practitioners in the field, the research examines relevant considerations for integrating pragmatic competence in ESP course development, proposing a functional syllabus as the potential organising principle of pragmatics-focused instructional course design. Accordingly, attempts have been made to create five ESP online courses: English for Insurance Professionals, English for the Pharmaceutical Industry, English for Financial Analysts, English for Brand Managers and English for Business Coaching. The courses aim at the development of learners’ pragmatic competence focusing on spoken and written communication through performing four speech acts – apologies, suggestions, refusals and requests, employing the discovery-learning approach for creating and delivering motivational ESP course content online. In order to test the efficacy of the proposed course design, the study employs a web-based assessment of ESP learners’ pragmatic competence through a pre-test and post-test. The study offers a model of integrating pragmatic competence in ESP course designs which makes use of the online environment as a source of field-specific and pragmatic language input as well as a space for both synchronous and asynchronous interaction during instructional delivery of ESP courses.

        Key words: online course development, ESP, instructional course design, pragmatic competence development, online learning, speech acts, the discovery-learning approach

        Speaker: Dace Aleksandravica (University of Latvia, 2nd year Master's student of English Philology)
      • 69
        Hedging: linguistic politeness strategy in English language acquisition at the tertiary level

        The present paper aims to research modern Business English textbooks from the perspective of pragmatics. The theoretical part deals with the concept of hedging and linguistic politeness being part of pragmatics; it considers the importance of indirect use of language in business communication. The research investigates the teachability of hedging and linguistic politeness when modern textbooks of Business English are used in the language acquisition process. The assumption that linguistic and grammatical language acquisition alone does not guarantee success in communication leads to the investigation of these concepts. The theory is referred to the Business textbooks to identify if the pragmatic aspects that characterize the construction of indirect meaning in communication are applied in the textbooks under analysis. Leech’s (1983) and Brown and Levinson’s (1987) theoretical contributions are considered to construct the theoretical framework of the article. Hyland’s (1994) and Fraser’s (2010) theoretical writings frame the discussion of the hedging categories. For the purposes of this article, the field of the research is narrowed, and the above-mentioned theoretical contributions are applied when doing the analysis in the Writing section of the textbooks. Discourse analysis as a research method is used in the empirical part of the paper, which contains ESP textbooks. The conclusions drawn are based on a triangulation principle, where such research instruments as observation, students’ job application letters and questionnaires are used. The study has demonstrated that the use of textbooks potentially helps students develop pragmatic skills in formal writing in the business context. However, the findings demonstrate that the investigated textbooks contain an implicit pragmatic input. Finally, based on the research findings, the recommendations on the language acquisition of pragmatic competence are provided. The data analysis shows that hedging plays an important role in developing politeness strategies and thus increases the effectiveness of business communication.
        Keywordsstrong text: Business English textbooks, pragmatic competence, hedging, linguistic politeness, language acquisition

        Speaker: Emina Birmane
      • 70
        A Diachronic Corpus Compilation Process and Principles

        In the current report, a corpus of texts on political economy published in 1841-1850 is presented as a case study. It was compiled within the framework of an international project "LEXECON. The Economic Teacher: A transnational and diachronic study of treatises and textbooks of economics (18th to 20th century). Intra- and interlingual corpus-driven and corpus-based analysis with a focus on lexicon and argumentation", realized by the University of Pisa, the University of Padova and the University of Palermo, and funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research for the period 2021-2023 as research of national interest. The goal of this report is to explore the process and principles of corpus formation, answering the following research questions: how does one comply with the corpus criteria; what are the challenges of each corpus formation stage and what are the functionalities of corpus-based approach? The research explores authenticity, representativeness, balance and sampling, and size as corpus criteria and describes bibliographical research, corpus sampling, editing, and structuring as stages of corpus creation. To illustrate the functionalities of corpus-based approach, the use of the first-person singular pronoun across four genres - essay, academic lecture, textbook and treatise - is examined, using such corpus analysis tools as Sketch Engine and Hyperbase 10. The preliminary findings suggest that balance is the most challenging corpus criterion to fulfil, corpus editing is the most time-consuming corpus creation stage, and the context and surplus-deficiency extraction contribute to the research results no less than relative frequency data.

        Keywords: corpus linguistics, corpus compilation, political economy, diachronic corpus, genre

        Speaker: Kristīna Korneliusa (University of Latvia)
      • 71

        The aim of the paper is to work toward an academic definition of cancel culture, a contemporary online phenomenon. Cancel culture has become a topic discussed frequently in the online environment; however, debate continues on how it is characterized and what it entails. Prior studies of the phenomenon are found in communication and media studies, political science and law, as well as social sciences, and have attempted to look at the origins, attitudes, power relations, and single cases of cancel culture. No studies in the field of linguistics are available to date, which opens an opportunity to research the language of the phenomenon.
        The research procedure included creating a machine-readable corpus of different genres of online texts relating to cancel culture and conducting a statistical and qualitative analysis of the keywords, collocations, and lexical bundles within the corpus. The empirical methods used in the study were corpus linguistics and critical discourse analysis.
        Structural analysis of the corpus shows a variety of potential targets of cancel culture. Keyword analysis shows that the language of cancel culture revolves around the semantic fields of personal names, groups and affiliations, the media, politics and negative evaluations. Collocation analysis corroborates the findings. An analysis of lexical bundles shows a prominent debate on the existence and extent of the impact of the phenomenon. The study allows for initial supplementation of the existing definitions of cancel culture, but more research is still needed in the field.

        Key words: cancel culture, corpus linguistics, critical discourse analysis, semantic analysis

        Speaker: Maija Olšteina (University of Latvia)
      • 12:50 PM
        Coffee break
      • 72

        Toki Pona is a constructed language that aims to create simplicity in expression through the use of minimalism in vocabulary and grammar. This research aims to create a translation of an English text into Toki Pona and analyze the lexical differences in both texts. This research was conducted with the use of the research methods of textual analysis and the application of translation strategies. The results of the translation and analysis indicate that extensive change in vocabulary and grammar must be conducted to create a Toki Pona target text. It can be concluded that the use of lexical items in Toki Pona varies greatly from the use of similar lexical items in the English language.

        Keywords: Lexeme; meaning; Toki Pona; translation, interpretation

        Speaker: Eriks Lasmanis (student)
      • 73
        The importance of visual aids in Joe Biden's presidential inauguration day online news coverage

        United States of America president’s inauguration is usually one of the most documented events all around the world, and online news media tends to cover its every aspect. In view of the importance of the event and the role of online news in communicating information, the goal of the present study was to explore how linguistic and non-linguistic modes of meaning making represent US president Joe Biden’s inauguration in written online news articles. To this end, a corpus of online news articles published on international news websites was gathered and analyzed using the framework of multimodal discourse analysis. The results demonstrate that online articles contextualized together with photographs as a non-verbal mode and used for the construction of meaning of Joe Biden’s presidential inauguration interact and produce a multimodal whole.

        Keywords: multimodal discourse analysis, online news articles, linguistic and non-linguistic modes of meaning making

        Speaker: Anna Marija Kundzina (Student)
      • 74
        Use of Passive Voice in Newspaper Articles

        Research on newspapers and the passive voice has been conducted; however, not extensively. The goal of this paper is to analyse the use of the passive voice in newspaper articles published by major online British newspapers – Daily Mail, The Sun, Evening Standard, and Metro. In order to investigate the passive voice in the selected articles, a literature review, content analysis and frequency count have been conducted. The results of the research demonstrate that the passive voice is applied most frequently in The Sun and Daily Mail; eight passive voice tenses have been found in total, with the past simple and the present simple tenses being the most frequent. The passive voice was typically used when the author placed attention on the action, and in instances, when the doer was obvious. The analysis allowed to make conclusions regarding the use of the passive voice in newspaper articles and has the potential to explore this topic in the future.

        Key words: passive voice, ‘News’, ‘Sports’, ‘Culture’, Daily Mail, The Sun, Evening Standard, Metro

        Speaker: Renars Revelins
    • Traducción en LFE
      Conveners: Sabine Geck (Universidad de Valladolid), Alla Placinska (University of Latvia)
      • 75
        La traducción de terminología jurídica: Obstáculos y retos

        La ponencia examina las relaciones entre el Derecho y el lenguaje como forma de expresión e instrumento del Derecho, tratándose en ambos casos de un sistema de reglas, mediante las cuales en forma abstracta y generalizada se expresa la realidad circundante. El lenguaje jurídico cabe dentro del concepto de lenguaje especializado. Se aborda el tema de la ciencia del Derecho y la ciencia de la Traducción cuyo fruto es la aparición de la Lingüística jurídica, igual que el tema de la esencia y las particularidades de la traducción jurídica en comparación con los demás tipos de traducción especializada. En el centro de la atención están algunos problemas que supone la traducción jurídica del y al español. La base es el análisis de ejemplos concretos, destacando las dificultades que presenta la traducción de terminología jurídica en que sobresale el papel del traductor como intermediario no sólo entre dos sistemas jurídicos sino entre dos sistemas culturales ya que muchos términos no tienen equivalente en el sistema jurídico del país de la traducción y de allí, en la lengua de la traducción, lo que descarta la posibilidad de una traducción literal y supone un profundo conocimiento no sólo de la rama concreta del Derecho sino también del contexto en que funcionará el texto traducido.

        Palabras clave: Derecho, lenguaje especializado, lingüística jurídica, traducción jurídica, terminología.

        Speaker: Prof. Ludmila Ilieva (SOFIA UNIVERSITY "ST. KLIMENT OHRIDSKI")
      • 76
        Aspéctos morfosintácticos de la traducción de textos jurídicos: entre la norma lingüística y la tradición.

        La presente contribución está dedicada al análisis y uso de tiempos verbales en las frases condicionales de textos jurídicos y la dificultad que representa este tipo de construcciones para traductores a la lengua letona. El estudio se realiza en el marco del lenguaje con fines específicos y se centra en los textos del derecho constitucional. La parte teórica se basa en las aproximaciones de Álvarez (1995), Dullion (2007), Peces-Barba Martínez (1978), Santiago Guervós (2001), Zapatero Gómez (2004). En la parte práctica se analizan textos de diferentes constituciones de países hispanohablantes, incluyendo la Constitución de España, de México y Rosta Rica, con el objetivo de interpretar y comparar el uso de tiempos verbales en oraciones condicionales, así como la dificultad que representa este tipo de construcciones para la traducción a la lengua letona.
        Los resultados permiten concluir que el uso y la distribución de tiempos verbales se caracterizan por el paralelismo sintáctico en cada grupo de enunciados, así como se realiza en función del grado de la independencia semántica de oraciones subordinadas, lo cual se diferencia en muchas ocasiones de la norma lingüística. Según indica J. Bayo Delgado (1996) la contradicción a la norma lingüística se radica en la tradición textual de este tipo de escritos, lo que lleva, a su vez, a la dificultad de comunicar el “contenido nocional” de la oración (Santiago Guervós, 2001).

        Speaker: Ms Alla Placinska (University of Latvia)
      • 77
        Un recurso para la traducción del nuevo léxico de lenguas para fines específicos: el diccionario electrónico de neologismos NEOMA.

        El propósito de este estudio es mostrar la utilidad del diccionario electrónico de neologismos NEOMA (https://www.um.es/neologismos/) en la traducción del nuevo léxico de lenguas para fines específicos. En este repertorio, el criterio de selección de las voces que integran su lemario es el lexicográfico, esto es, una palabra es neológica si no está registrada en un corpus lexicográfico, en este caso, en el Diccionario de la lengua española de ASALE. El corpus textual del que se parte para la detección de neologismos son cuatro diarios de tipo generalista editados entre 2011 y 2014. Nuestra hipótesis de partida es que la prensa es un instrumento de difusión de este léxico por la repercusión sociocultural y socioeconómica de los ámbitos especializados en los que se usa. Aunque los diccionarios generales, como el académico, incorporan nuevas voces de los ámbitos científico-técnicos siguiendo el criterio de que forman parte de la lengua culta, suelen retardar la sanción de voces usadas en contextos profesionales. Por ello, un diccionario como el NEOMA, en el que se realiza una marcación temática de los neologismos (no necesariamente neónimos), facilita al traductor el acceso al nuevo léxico según su contexto de uso. Dado que incluye también información sobre el procedimiento de formación de la nueva forma o el nuevo sentido, o, en su caso, sobre el tipo de préstamo, así como información sobre su categoría gramatical, resulta, finalmente, un recurso que el traductor puede explotar con gran rentabilidad cuando se enfrenta al nuevo léxico de lenguas para fines específicos.

        Speaker: Mrs Carmen Sánchez Manzanares (Universidad de Murcia)
      • 78
        Fraseologismos y frases hechas en el aprendizaje de la traducción audiovisual del español al letón

        El presente estudio, con una breve introducción teórica, está dedicado al tema de la traducción de fraseologismos y de frases hechas durante el proceso de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la traducción audiovisual.
        La traducción audiovisual la entendemos como una modalidad para traducir (en terminos generales) productos audiovisuales que están compuestos de señales auditivas (diálogos, narración, música, efectos) y de señales visuales (imágenes, texto narrativo, subtítulos) (Mayoral 2011) y se aplica en diferentes géneros audiovisuales como cine, documentales, publicidad etc. Para los estudiantes de la traducción audiovisual los fraseologismos, las frases hechas, locuciones y modismos siempre han representado gran interés y gran dificultad (Timofeeva 2012). El problema de identificar, entender e interpretar los fraseologismos en la lengua original (LO) con el fin de traducirlos a la lengua meta (LM) manteniendo el mismo significado y el mensaje cultural de unidad fraseológica (UF) sigue siendo para los traductores un gran desafío.
        La unidad fraseológica la definimos como una secuencia de palabras que permanece fija o estable (Varela, Kubarth 1998, 2014). Además la unidad fraseológica comprende la mínima posibilidad de experimentar transformaciones gramaticales, el orden fijo de los elementos (palabras), estabilidad en el número mismo de los elementos.
        La finalidad del presente estudio es destacar y describir las cuestiones problemáticas de la traducción de las UF en relación al proceso de aprendizaje de la traducción audiovisual del español al letón.

        Speaker: Linda Gaile (Departamento de Traducción, Interpretación y Lingüistica Aplicada)
      • 79
        La utilidad para la comprensión de los sistemas de ta desde una perspectiva comparada: los textos especializados de ciencias naturales y de ciencias sociales en la combinación inglés–español

        Este trabajo evalúa y compara dos sistemas de traducción automática (TA) (Google y Systran) mediante el análisis de las características que influyen en la utilidad para la comprensión de su salida (esto es, la cualidad de un texto que permite entender su mensaje al leerlo). Se utiliza el método de la prueba de clausura (gap-filling) y partimos de la idea de que el éxito a la hora de completar huecos en ese tipo de ejercicios puede concebirse como indicador de esa utilidad para la comprensión de los textos generados. Se estudia el fenómeno en la combinación inglés–español y comparando dos ámbitos de especialidad, las ciencias naturales y las ciencias sociales, con la lengua general. A los informantes (con español como L1, y nivel igual o inferior a B1 de inglés) se les proporcionan como pistas para completar los textos traducidos por traductores humanos los diferentes textos generados por los sistemas de TA y otras traducciones humanas equivalentes de esos mismos textos en su L1. Los resultados nos permiten determinar: 1) en qué medida la salida de un sistema de TA y un texto escrito en la lengua materna del lector o L1 (español) son similares en términos de utilidad para la comprensión; 2) qué sistema de los dos estudiados es el más útil en esa combinación; y 3) que es posible determinar el nivel de competencia lingüística en términos de producción o expresión escrita de los diferentes sistemas asignándoles un nivel del MCERL.

        Speaker: Kenneth Jordan Núñez (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
      • 80
        Traducción institucional: el condicionante léxico en el caso de las migraciones (ES-FR-AR)

        Las migraciones siempre han sido un factor notorio de la historia de la humanidad. No obstante, en las últimas décadas, hemos presenciado cómo se han ido sucediendo en el mundo diversos fenómenos migratorios que responden principalmente a crisis humanitarias y causas económicas. Dada la evidente influencia que tienen los flujos migratorios sobre la configuración de la sociedad en ámbitos como el social, el económico y el político, diferentes organizaciones internacionales han abordado en sus discursos esta cuestión. Entre las organizaciones más importantes dedicadas a los asuntos migratorios, destacamos la Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM); única organización intergubernamental mundial. La OIM, consciente del mundo globalizado en el que vivimos, tiene por objetivo fomentar la migración humana y ordenada en beneficio del conjunto de la ciudadanía del mundo, así como facilitar la comunicación multilingüe en conceptos de migración.

        El presente estudio aborda el léxico y la terminología del ámbito de las migraciones desde una perspectiva traductológica. Para ello, en primer lugar, hemos compilado un corpus monolingüe, en español, de textos de la OIM en materia de Diálogo Internacional sobre la Migración. Posteriormente, hemos utilizado el software libre AntConc para la extracción de términos que derivan de este discurso y el estudio de sus concordancias, colocaciones y agrupamientos posibles. Finalmente, para conocer en mayor profundidad los términos extraídos, hemos procedido a la creación de fichas terminológicas bilingües (español-árabe-francés) que consideramos podrían ser de utilidad para profesionales que trabajan en el ámbito de la traducción e interpretación o en la investigación sobre las diferentes realidades migratorias.

        Speaker: Sabah El Herch Moumni (Universidad de Córdoba (ESPAÑA))
    • Innovation, multimodality and digital technologies in LSP studies
      Conveners: Monta Farneste (University of Latvia), Vineta Apse (University of Latvia)
      • 81
        Effective data presentation during ESP courses

        Language for Specific Purposes (LSP) defined as various linguistic variants used in professional settings and coexisting within the general language system has given the favorable response to specific professional needs. The presentation will focus on the course sample entitled effective data presentation which was designed within BADGE Erasmus+ project (Intellectual Output 1).

        Although the teaching of technical or specialized vocabulary is sometimes thought to be outside the purview of language teachers and/or best left to subject teachers (Airey, 2016), language teachers can and even should encourage purposeful and incidental learning of specific vocabulary that makes a significant contribution to the comprehension of subject texts as well as to learners’ participation in discourse communities (Coxhead & Nation, 2001).

        The presentation is divided into three parts. The first part touches on the results of the survey which show that the language and communication classes need to integrate more LSP competences to get the students acquainted with tools of both general and specific language. The introduction will also analyze and explain the existing practical difficulties and try to answer why language and subject teachers alike often seem to maintain a distinction between “knowledge of a subject” and “knowledge of language for a subject.” The second part presents a sample of communication course prepared for engineers encompassing effective data presentation. Finally, the presentation reflects on future challenges of LSP teachers and reasons why academics should integrate professional knowledge and specialistic language within the same course.

        Speaker: Dr Katarzyna Matuszak (Centre of Languages and Communication PUT)
      • 82
        Challenges of autonomous acquisition of English grammar at the tertiary level

        The Covid pandemic in the world seems to have introduced changes to stay in foreign language acquisition as well because both students and the teaching staff have realized that the use of technology-based forms of language acquisition can be applied also when studies are not held online. The situation has also facilitated autonomous learning. The goal of the present study is to investigate the challenges students experienced when acquiring English grammar autonomously via blended learning classes. The research participants were undergraduate students of a foreign language and business programme at a university in Latvia. The way how they did grammar exercises autonomously, the students’ opinion obtained from a survey on autonomous acquisition of English grammar and the students’ test results were analysed. The research findings indicate that many students found it difficult to acquire English grammar when they were not guided by lecturers or textbooks in a passive learning environment but had to be responsible for their own learning. The variety of resources offered also caused problems. At the same time, the test results were better for those students who had spent more time practicing the grammar exercises available for self-study. The research findings allow the authors to conclude that students should be encouraged and assisted in developing their metacognitive strategies necessary for autonomous learning, which are also useful in their future careers in the modern labour environment.

        Speakers: Monta Farneste (University of Latvia), Ms Vineta Apse (University of Latvia)
      • 83
        Student-produced podcasts as an alternative to presentations

        Since their appearance, podcasts have become a popular source in language learning and teaching, and thus, an object of research interest related primarily to receptive skills. Studies researching student-produced podcasts have been published with a much lower frequency. This presentation aims to contribute to the latter research with describing the teaching context, the format and outputs, and the evaluation of a podcasting task which formed part of the final assessment of the course of Legal English. The observations and tips might be, however, applied to any ESP course.

        The motivation to implement podcasts into the course arose from the need to substitute presentations delivered in class with an out-of-class alternative due to a significant increase in the number of students. The research question is, therefore, whether preparing and publishing a podcast for the fellow students to listen and provide feedback to has similar learning outcomes to preparing and delivering a presentation. The main method consisted of final questionnaires with closed as well as open-ended questions.

        The results show that, apart from the obvious differences resulting from the face-to-face interaction compared to the asynchronous interaction within an online platform, preparing and publishing podcasts enhance students´ skills in a similar way to presentations. Both presenting and podcasting are challenging, yet the podcasts seem to be more enjoyable. In conclusion, both contribute to developing not only academic skills, such as presentation and research skills, but also to English language skills, receptive as well as productive.

        Speaker: Stepanka Bilova
      • 84
        Active subtitling in lesson plans: A didactic tool to enhance communicative skills

        The study of Audiovisual Translation (AVT) as a valuable resource for foreign language teaching has recently gained great relevance. In particular, the AVT mode of subtitling has been proven to entail an incredible potential for teaching foreign languages. Therefore, this paper aims to contribute to the studies on the didactic use of subtitling from an approach in which subtitling is used actively by the students, who become the producers of subtitles.
        The paper introduces a pilot study conducted last summer on students from the School of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Zaragoza. The methodological proposal is based on a set of lesson plans articulated around subtitling tasks in order to enhance communicative competences. The promising results obtained in this study encourage more research in order to validate the didactic benefits of using other AVT modes in ESP teaching.
        The study is part of the research carried out by Tradilex, a research group financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.

        Speakers: Dr Ana Maria Hornero (University of Zaragoza), Dr Pilar Gonzalez-Vera (University of Zaragoza), Mrs Paula Buil Beltran (University of Zaragoza)
      • 85
        The value of Facebook in teaching ESP in higher education

        The article concentrates on the potential of Facebook in teaching ESP in higher education. Facebook, just as any other social networking site, is widely used among people of all age groups. Considering its primary role being to keep in touch with friends and relatives, the educational value should not be neglected. A number of scientific studies have proven, that Facebook is a valuable tool in the educational process when it comes to developing students´ communication skills, being members of specific Facebook communities. In this paper, we want to point out how Facebook can be used to improve students´ vocabulary in specific fields (in our case business English). The paper indicates certain Facebook profiles that provide authentic materials for university students and the ways these materials can be used to improve specific vocabulary.

        Speaker: Žaneta Pavlíková (University of Economics in Bratislava)
    • OER (Open Educational Resources) in LSP teaching and learning and influence of technologies on LSP integration with teaching and learning of other subjects
      Convener: Jana Kuzmina (University of Latvia)
      • 86
        EFL language teaching with technology use

        The COVID-19 pandemic has been the unprecedented and unexpected occasion to all around the world since 2020. There were 130 country-wide closures that affected approximately a hundred million learners at the time of February 2021 (UNESCO, n. d.). This caused a significant paradigm shift in educational mode, i.e., face-to-face learning environments to online/virtual learning environments. As a result, this qualitative study explored pre-service teachers’ perceptions of English language education and the role of schools and teachers in the post-COVID-19 era. Fifteen EFL pre-service teachers joined the interviews, and 36 argumentative essays on the topic of English language education were collected in this study. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the interview data and written products. The findings revealed that the pre-service teachers deeply considered technology use as essential, and the future English language classes should be reframed in the post-COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, developing digital literacy seems to be the key to EFL teaching and learning. Some suggestions of classroom technology integration are also discussed in this study.

        Speaker: Eunjeong Park (Sunchon National University)
      • 87
        Digital Technologies in LSP Studies: the New Information Management System in the Field of Biology

        One of the best options for special lexis research is the use of corpora. However, it should be acknowledged that in practice special corpora are not always available for specific domains, as is the case, for example, with the names of organisms and special lexis of botany or zoology.
        Therefore, for the study of this LSP, researchers often create their own Excel spreadsheets with the material to be studied and use already existing terminology resources: for example, the Latvian National Terminology Portal (https://termini.gov.lv/), the encyclopedia "Latvian Nature" (www.latvijasdaba.lv), materials offered by the Latvian National Digital Library, as well as various monolingual or multilingual dictionaries. Often the material collected by researchers remains in their own archives and is not accessible to others. Although this would be very useful in ensuring continuity in future research.
        In view of this, researchers at Ventspils University of Applied Sciences and the Institute of Horticulture are developing a special information system for the research of the names of organisms and terminology of the field of biology. It will be a special open-access interactive multi-functional information system with data storage and a wide range of statistical search options especially for language research purposes and comparative multilingual studies in linguistics and terminology.
        This study offers an outline of the advantages of this information system compared to existing terminology and domain research resources. Authors will present the structure of the information system, its database layer, used technologies set in the development of the system front-end and back-end parts. Modules of developed information system for collecting, storing and researching different types of LSP data will be described in detail.
        The study will present the first results on the possibilities of collecting, storing and analysing data provided by the information system, as well as analyse the difficulties in developing the information system and the solutions found.

        Speaker: Mr Arturs Stalažs (Institute of Horticulture (Dārzkopības institūts), researcher)
      • 88
        Digital technologies for LSP teacher education and professional development in a multilingual international context

        The demand for teaching Languages for Specific Purposes (LSP) is growing steadily, which can be explained by wider employment opportunities in an international environment. However, standardized training programmes for LSP teachers are missing in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). With the aim of raising awareness of the work developed by some European scholars within the framework of the Erasmus+ KA2 funded programmes, this paper presents an overview of the currently undergoing project “LSP Teacher Education Online Course for Professional Development” (LSP-TEOC.Pro), and sheds light on how such courses can be developed within a multilingual international context as well as its affordances and challenges. Focal questions are: Is there any provision of online training programmes for pre-service and/or in-service LSP teachers within the EHEA? The desktop research conducted attests that programmes are scarce and limited. So, what does LSP-TEOC.Pro have to offer? To what extent can this project be labeled as innovative in the field? How can a multilingual international context be addressed? Findings from needs analysis, document analysis and surveys on the use of digital technologies reveal that the use of an open educational resource (OER) such as Moodle can be highly convenient to match the requirements of this online course. Also, results gathered have helped to create the framework for the LSP online training programme that will hopefully be delivered via such OER. Lastly, conclusions will be drawn on the implications of the work undertaken for the next steps and eventual completion of the project.

        Speakers: Dr Ana Bocanegra-Valle (University of Cadiz), Dr Joanna Kic-Drgas (Adam Mickiewicz University)
      • 89
        Use of Knightlab and Twine Visualization Tools in Digital Humanities

        Distant learning and constant changes in learning process organization have shown that there is a significant need to select the technologies to scaffold the learning process in humanities. Students should be equipped with the tools to conduct research, visualize data and acquire study material.

        The goal of the present ongoing research is to investigate the functionality of digital tools Knightlab and Twine and pilot them at the tertiary level. The theoretical research framework considers the application of behaviourism, web-constructivism and cooperative learning principles in the digital learning environment.

        The present study is an exploratory case study which investigates the functionality and students' attitude to Knightlab and Twine digital tools. The tools enhance text perception and processing skills and enable the students to do text analysis using Knighlab timeline tool to represent a chronological narration and Twine interactive game to represent cyclical narration digitally.

        The research unfolds by investigating the functionality of the tools, considering their relevance for deductive and inductive instruction. Then, the seminar tasks for piloting are developed to form and develop students’ understanding of applied linguistics and digital humanities as branches of linguistics. Finally, the students' attitude is collected through a survey.

        The yielded research results show that the functionality of the tools allows the delivery of the subject matter interactively and investigates text rhetorical organization in depth. Since it is rather new for students, if the assignment set-up is in teams, it will facilitate the development of interpersonal and transversal skills and stimulate an active learning experience of a complex subject matter. It occurs because once students are placed in a cooperative environment, they are forced to work towards individual and group goals. Some of them are more advanced with technologies than others, so distributing roles will be an instrument to maximize individual and peer learning outcomes. The more engagement is provided, the more advanced knowledge base and general cognitive development are achieved by students. The students also note that groupwork enables the acquisition of digital tools and concepts in humanities.

        Speaker: Jana Kuzmina (University of Latvia)
      • 90
        Innovation and digital affordances in interactive science documentaries: A case study

        Interactive documentary is an emergent genre which makes use of digital affordances in order to communicate science using varied narrative structures (Gaudenzi, 2013). Interactive documentaries can adopt different patterns of discourse organisation or modes of interaction with viewers interested in science. These are complemented by multimodal tools existing in digital platforms. In the context of science communication online, these documentaries also provide attractive interfaces that can be used for the dissemination of scientific knowledge to diversified audiences. These interfaces harness the interactive and multimodal nature of Web 2.0 in order to make control of the contents available to users. Nonetheless, there may exist a dissonance between the perception of user control and the actual interactivity afforded within the site. Using Adami’s (2013) framework for the analysis of interactivity combined with Alkarimeh’s (2019) analysis on perceived interactivity, I use a case study to examine how an interactive science documentary makes use of different semiotic modes aimed at facilitating science communication by profiting from digital interactive tools. For that purpose, I look at the syntagmatic and paradigmatic dimensions of interactive sites/signs as mapped by Halliday’s metafunctions, and compare them against the scales of perceived interactivity. Specifically, I will analyse how the paradigmatic facet of the interactive sites/signs enables an expansion of the multimodal resources available in the database, opens the possibilities for the transmission of scientific content, and creates the illusion of users’ control over the interface in order to ensure a ‘deeper understanding of its contents’ (Holsanova, 2014).

        Speaker: Alfonso Ollero Gavin (Universidad de Zaragoza)
    • Terminology, translation and interpretation in LSP
      Conveners: Dace Liepiņa (University of Latvia), Laura Karpinska (University of Latvia)
      • 91
        Shift in distance learning and its related English terminology in the context of education digitalisation in Latvia

        Distance education has been existing for decades; however, it has become especially prominent in the process of education digitalisation, and its popularity boosted in the last two years. In the course of time, the implication of the term ‘distance education’ has been undergoing changes along with the technological developments in the sphere of education and the emergence of the Internet. As a result, such terms as e-learning, online learning, distance learning and remote learning have appeared. Covid-19 outbreak has made its adjustments in the field of education all over the world, including Latvia. Consequently, the above-mentioned distance education related terminology has been affected as well. Thus, the necessity to research the new implications of the terms has arisen. The goal of the current corpus-based research lies in the investigation of new implications of distance learning terminology, influenced by the coronavirus as well as the provision of clarifying definitions. In order to trace the meaning shift over the last two decades, emphasizing the changes brought by the current situation, such sources as research papers and online press have been investigated. The data were collected and analysed with the help of the AntConc software. The results revealed that the terms have acquired new connotations and undergone shifts in their meanings. Moreover, they are used ambiguously, which caused the necessity to provide comprehensible definitions of the stated terms. It was reached within the framework of the present research.

        Speakers: Jevgenija Selivanova (University of Latvia), Olga Pašinska (LU (PhD student in Linguistics))
      • 92
        English in Spanish and Polish advertising: the comprehension of the text

        English plays an increasingly important role in the advertising discourse globally. The frequent use of English in non-English advertising is often seen as symbolic in that it is designed to exert an emotional impact on the receiver of the ad, evoking a number of positive connotations that are believed to enhance the persuasiveness of advertising. According to this symbolic view, the literal meaning of English in ads is of lesser importance as compared to its symbolic value (Haarmann, 1989; Piller, 2001 and 2003; Kelly-Holmes, 2005). The overall purpose of this study is to investigate, through the use of questionnaires, the Spanish and Polish target audiences’ comprehension of the English language employed in print advertising in Spain and Poland. The study focuses on the degree of the respondents’ comprehension, and analyses whether this comprehension leads to a better ad and product appreciation and a higher intention to buy the advertised goods (Hendriks et al., 2017).
        The results have shown vast differences between the Spanish and Polish respondents as far as their actual comprehension is concerned. Also, a link has been found between the respondents’ comprehension and their attitudes. Thus, the present study contributes to the view that comprehension affects the perception of advertising, which in turn means that the English language functions not only as a symbol but its literal meaning is of importance as well.

        Speaker: Katarzyna Anna Nowak (Universidad Católica de Murcia)
      • 93
        Term-formation, translation and interpreting

        The paper dwells on Latvian terminology of the 21st century. It is coined mostly on the basis of English counterparts. There are many sources of this new terminology: Latvian branch and domain experts, professional EU institutions’ Brussels and Luxembourg based translators and terminologists, professional Latvia based translators and terminologists. But numerous terms are coined by random translators, journalists, media representatives, tradespeople, e. g. small shop owners, car dealers, etc. Finally numerous new nonce terms are coined on the spur of the moment by interpreters, some of which are picked up by their audience and thus gain currency. This leads to a very chaotic terminology scene: often one English term has many established Latvian counterparts (available in official databases), while some terms have none and the English term is used in a grammatically changed or even unchanged form. Still other terms have “established” Latvian counterparts in the shape of lengthy definitions. These terms often breach basic principles of term-formation and contribute to terminological chaos, ambiguity and legal uncertainty. It also makes the work of lexicographers most complicated: dictionaries and databases could standardize terminology, but the descriptive approach to lexicography presumes reflecting lexis that is being used. The empirical material will mostly cover the domains of medicine, Eurotexts and sports.

        Speaker: Prof. Andrejs Veisbergs (University of Latvia)
      • 94
        Bilingual lexicographic resources in support of acquiring legal terminology for translation purposes

        The support of bilingual lexicographic resources is crucial in mastering legal terminology both in the target and source language. The present study has focused on bilingual Latvian-English and English-Latvian printed and online lexicographic resources accessible for all parties interested in acquiring legal terminology in both languages, in particular in the light of the new school reform “School 2030” where translation is mentioned among other competences that should be developed already at school. Even though several bilingual legal terminological dictionaries have been published it must be recognised that currently there is no comprehensive Latvian-English-Latvian dictionary of legal terms. At present the success or failure in mastering legal terminology largely depends on the background knowledge of the user. Trends prevailing in the study process as well as in translation practice confirm a marked movement towards the use of lexicographic resources in the digital format. It should be noted that this format also offers considerable advantages in designing dictionaries in respect of their content, volume, structure and user-friendliness. Digital format would allow developing a comprehensive multilingual dictionary of legal terms involving collaboration among legal professionals, terminologists and lexicographers. The microstructure of this dictionary should include labels, glosses and illustrative examples giving additional information and contexts where legal terms are used, thus providing important information for diverse groups of users – learners, legal professionals, translators and interpreters.

        Speakers: Dr Laura Karpinska (University of Latvia), Dr Dace Liepiņa (University of Latvia)
    • Cultura, literatura y traducción
      Conveners: Alla Placinska (University of Latvia), Miguel Ángel Pérez Sánchez (Universidad de Letonia)
      • 95
        Traducción especializada aplicada a la literatura madrileña de finales del siglo XIX (1870-1900). Comentarios léxicos y sintácticos. Propuestas de traducción.

        La literatura madrileña de finales del siglo XIX, compuesta de obras en las que la ciudad de Madrid cobra protagonismo como escenario literario de primer orden, es una de las grandes desconocidas dentro de la investigación de la traducción especializada. El punto inicial de la presente investigación se basa en el estudio terminológico y traductológico de la literatura madrileña comprendida entre los años 1870 y 1900. El objetivo del presente estudio se centra en el marco social y lingüístico basado en cuatro obras de la literatura madrileña de finales del siglo XIX: Cuadros al fresco, de Tomás Luceño (1870), La Gran Vía, de Felipe Pérez y González (1886), La verbena de la Paloma, de Ricardo de la Vega (1894) y La Revoltosa, de José López-Silva (1897). Igualmente, dicha cuestión se centra en posibles técnicas de traducción (del español al inglés), mediante la explicación de diversos fragmentos elegidos de estas obras. La metodología empleada es la recopilación de aspectos terminológicos y sintácticos y establecer comentarios y propuestas de traducción. Todo ello arroja resultados distintivos del Madrid de finales del siglo XIX y establece ciertas conclusiones: la necesidad del estudio de la literatura madrileña del período, su lengua y propuestas de traducción al inglés que faciliten su comprensión y traducción de todas las obras citadas. Como conclusión, este estudio pone en relieve la literatura de Madrid, su importancia e idiosincrasia y la necesidad de establecer dichas pautas de traducción de estas cuatro obras, cumbre del ámbito literario madrileño.

        Speaker: Francisco Godoy Tena (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
      • 96
        Vocabulario adicional para estudiantes avanzados de español como segunda lengua: neologismos en tiempos de Covid-19

        El objetivo principal de esta ponencia es llevar a cabo una exploración o identificación general acerca de los neologismos en español que han ido apareciendo en los medios de prensa, redes sociales y otras plataformas de comunicación en relación con la pandemia causada por el brote de Coronavirus o COVID-19 a nivel mundial a partir del 2020 con la intención de que los mismos puedan servir en el aula como vocabulario adicional para estudiantes avanzados de español como lengua extranjera o segunda lengua. En la línea de este objetivo principal podríamos comparar algunos de los neologismos destacados con otros surgidos en el pasado, y reflexionar, a su vez, sobre el porqué de la génesis de los neologismos en la lengua de modo genérico, su función en el discurso, su formación y su destino final, y destacar algunos recursos o diccionarios de neologismos de interés para estudiantes y profesores. Además, los neologismos identificados y mencionados permitirán comprobar cómo la lengua está viva, en constante ebullición, y se ve enriquecida permanentemente con nuevas voces o vocablos a raíz de los nuevos fenómenos sociales, culturales, económicos, religiosos o políticos que surgen en la sociedad. La lengua, la cultura y la evolución social van de la mano y no pueden separarse. En palabras del académico Emilio Lorenzo: “La lengua es vida y, como tal, lucha de fuerzas contrarias, cambio, proyecto continuo. Mirado con ojos profundos, el español (…) (es) una lengua en ebullición, caldeada y agitada por presiones internas de todo tipo (…)”.

        Speaker: José Antonio Alonso Navarro (Universidad del Norte)
      • 97
        Competencia lingüística y competencia cultural: las fórmulas rutinarias del español europeo pertenecientes a los marcos situacionales de la COMIDA y la DESPEDIDA

        Desde los años 70 del siglo pasado la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras ha hecho un gran giro hacia la importancia de la interculturalidad para la enseñanza y la percepción de las lenguas extranjeras. Hoy en día la adquisisión de la competencia intercultural forma parte inseparable de la adquisisión de la competencia linguística, sobre todo cuando se trata del español de negocios. En nuestra ponencia queremos abogar por un enfoque cognitivo-pragmático de un determinado tipo de fórmulas rutinarias llamadas situation bound utterances (SBU), es decir, enunciados ligados a la situación. Siguiendo la propuesta de Kecskés (2000; 2003), distinguimos entre tres subtipos según su grado de fijación semántica (o lexicalización) con respecto al marco situacional o frame al que pertenecen. Desde nuestro punto de vista, la descripción semántica de dichas fórmulas debe tener en cuenta este marco, de lo contrario, no llegaría a captarse su verdadero significado. Para ejemplificar este enfoque, proponemos estudiar los frames de la COMIDA y de la DESPEDIDA, tal y como se conciben en la cultura española, es decir, en el ámbito del español europeo. De esta forma, podemos describir un gran número de fórmulas rutinarias en su relación con un determinado marco situacional a la vez que demostramos que la adquisición de lenguas extranjeras con fines específicos no solo debe tener en cuenta la competencia meramente lingüística, sino también la competencia pragmática y cultural.

        Speaker: Sabine Geck (Universidad de Valladolid)
      • 98
        El uso de textos literarios en una clase de Comunicación Intercultural

        El uso de textos literarios en una clase de comunicación intercultural hasta el momento se presenta como una cuestión plena de controversias (Albadalejo García, 2004). Preguntas como: ¿qué textos literarios usar para los alumnos que aprenden español como segunda lengua: originales o adaptados?, ¿qué conocimientos ofrecen a alumnos no nativos estos textos literarios?, ¿en qué momento del proceso de enseñanza/aprendizaje usarlos?, etc. En la actualidad no muchos manuales para la enseñanza de la interculturalidad dentro del E/LE incluyen fragmentos de textos literarios (cuentos, novelas, leyendas, etc.), por lo general siempre son adaptados, como un apoyo directo a los objetivos de una unidad didáctica sin profundizar más allá de la mera comprensión lectora y el aporte de un nuevo vocabulario. (Sitman y Lerner, 1994). Los textos literarios en la actualidad tienen una presencia mayor debido a su versatilidad para integrar destrezas básicas y desarrollar competencias literarias, lingüísticas, comunicativas, culturales, etc (Ubach Medina, 2000). Partiendo de la importancia de las nuevas tecnologías de información y el desarrollo de la competencia digital comunicativa en los estudiantes, se analiza la accesibilidad de textos literarios en diferentes manuales y plataformas virtuales, así como su potencial didáctico para ser utilizados en las clases de la interculturalidad impartidas a los estudiantes de español niveles B1 y B2 de E/LE. Los resultados destacan la importancia de seleccionar cuidadosamente los textos para las clases en función del potencial cognitivo del alumnado.

        Speaker: Alberto Torres Fernández (Universidad de Letonia)
    • Terminologie et phraséologie
      Convener: Jelena Vladimirska
      • 99
        Appréciation individuelle des termes du métier par des spécialistes en ostéopathie biodynamique et anglais, français et italien

        Le lien entre un concept et un terme dans un domaine donné fixé au moyen de la définition est un prérequis d'une traduction réussie et d'une certaine équivalence interlinguistique, à condition que les champs conceptuels coïncident dans les différentes langues. Or, certaines terminologies, notamment celle d’ostéopathie biodynamique, présentent un flou conceptuel quand les praticiens eux-mêmes affirment que: « les définitions sont confortables pour nous académiquement et elles servent un but, mais nous voulons toucher la langue ... avec nos mains » (J .Jealous) (notre traduction) .

        Dans le cadre de cette enquête, nous proposons une structure tripartite du terme, dont le noyau est constitué par des caractéristiques conceptuelles précédemment mises en évidence par des définitions extensives obtenues à partir d'informations contextuelles (où l’équivalence est mesurable à partir des procédés de traduction et de leur niveau de transparence), la deuxième couche réunit tous les composants de signification supplémentaires que la langue et la culture associée apportent au terme (ici, on propose un instrument cognitif appelé la résonance, soit l’ensemble des « associations cognitives partagées » (Hanks 2014, 9) (notre traduction), pour mesurer l’équivalence), tandis que la dernière couche représente l'appréciation individuelle du terme qui inclut également l'expérience corporelle ou « sens émotionnel » (Merleau-Ponty 1962), amplement décrit en phénoménologie, mais sans qu’une méthodologie précise en permette la mesure.

        Cette étude se propose comme un début d’exploration de cette troisième composante. On tente d’établir si la résonance lexicale et les expériences individuelles influencent l’appréciation d'un concept donné.

        Speaker: Irina Kalinina (Università del Piemonte Orientale)
      • 100
        La reconnaissance et différenciation des formes proverbiales

        La question de reconnaissance et de différenciation des multiples formes proverbiales (dictons, proverbes, adages, maximes, etc.) se heurte souvent à l’obstacle de leur définition, surtout dans des dictionnaires, des unités en question. Ainsi les parémiologues accordent une importance majeure à la dimension métaphorique du proverbe, signalant l’absence de cette caractéristique dans le cas des dictons. Néanmoins, l’analyse du corpus proverbial témoigne l’existence d’une vaste couche des proverbes dont le message ne peut être compris que littéralement. L’examen de la nature des formes proverbiales, l’établissement de la liste de leurs propriétés linguistiques distinctifs (morphologiques, syntaxiques, sémantique) ainsi que l’analyse du mode de leur fonctionnement permet de nous approcher à la solution possible de cette difficulté.

        Speaker: Ms Olga Billere
      • 101
        Les séquences préfabriquées dans le corpus d’apprenants : d’une norme d’usage à une contextualisation didactique en FOS et FOU

        Le FOS se diffère du français général au niveau lexical c.à.d. les besoins des apprenants en FOS se focalisent plutôt sur la compétence lexicale. De Cock a découvert que les blocs lexicaux répétitifs fournissent une variété d’informations sur la langue des apprenants de langue étrangère (De Cock 2004, 233). Viviana Cortes, de sa part, a découvert que les textes académiques écrits par les étudiants utilisent beaucoup moins de blocs lexicaux de langage académique professionnel, qui sont des blocs de référence nominaux, plus que d’autres types fonctionnels de blocs qui contribuent à l’expression du contenu propositionnel du texte (Cortes citée par Juknevičienė 2011, 41).
        Ainsi, l’analyse de blocs lexicaux permet de décrire non seulement certaines différences de discours entre la langue produite par les locuteurs natifs et non natifs mais également l’acquisition précoce de blocs lexicaux est l’un des facteurs les plus importants déterminant l’idiomaticité et la richesse lexicale de la langue (Juknevičienė 2011, 45) qui représente un fort tremplin pour le développement du FOS.
        Les chercheurs définissent les blocs lexicaux comme des séquences de mots répétitives dans le texte (Juknevičienė 2011, 24). Biber explique que ce « sont des blocs composés de trois ou quatre unités, quelque chose comme, comme tu sais, plus ou moins, dans des textes avec des registres spécifiques » (Biber et al. cités par Perez­Bettan 2015, 35). De plus, Biber (1999, 989) marque que « [l]es blocs lexicaux peuvent être considérés comme des collocations étendues : des blocs de mots qui montrent une tendance statistique à coexister » .
        L’étude des telles constructions lexicales et leurs composants dans la langue générale des apprenants pourrait fournir une certaine information sur leur compétence lexicale, leur capacité à employer les mots de façon cohérente dans un texte spécifique et orienté.
        L’objectif principal se concentre sur l’analyse quantitative comme qualitative des séquences lexicales dans le corpus écrit des apprenants lituaniens en FLE.
        Les informations relatives à l’emploi général des séquences simultanées de deux ou de plusieurs mots (ou autres unités linguistiques) dans le corpus d’apprenants sont importantes pour avoir l’image la plus nette possible de la construction typique et propre à l’interlangue. Ce type de données pourrait en outre constituer la base de diverses démarches scientifiques relatives à l’apprentissage soit au développement du FOS aussi bien que FOU.

        Speaker: Vitalija Kazlauskiene (Université de Vilnius)
    • PANEL DISCUSSION: Current Problems in the Acquisition and Research of Language for Specific (Academic) Purposes
      Convener: Laimdota Ločmele (Centre for Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Humanities, University of Latvia)
      • 102
        Practical issues of English Mediated Instruction

        English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) is a complex and steadily growing global phenomenon. EMI support provided to academics by language teachers and linguists is essential, however, successful members of today´s academic community are expected to excel in a whole range of extra-linguistic skills as well. Therefore, an effective EMI support should combine linguistic and extra-linguistic competencies. This panel entry will focus on practical issues in approaches to the language of instructions, feedback and evaluation in the English as academic lingua franca and in the EMI.

        Speaker: Libor Stepanek (Masaryk University Language Centre)
      • 103
        LSP and translingual practices: Zooming in on English
        Speaker: Prof. Maria Kuteeva (Stockholm University)
      • 104
        Mediation in ESP and beyond: Disciplinary discourse practices and the development of intra- and cross-linguistic communicative competence

        I. Introduction: the new descriptors of communication competence in CEFR CV 2018-2020
        • reinforcing the concept of language learner as a social agent (Piccardo, 2012)
        • static view of language competence (based on four skills of speaking, writing, listening and reading) replaced with the dynamic set of reception, production, interaction, mediation and sign language
        • What does this mean for ESP?
        II. ESP facilitating the growth of the learner as social agent:
        • reviving and refining the paradigm of communicative language teaching (CLT) – authenticity & social nature of learning (North, 2021)
        o mediation as cognitive and relational competence (Coste & Cavalli, 2015)
        o in mediation across the languages (inter-linguistic mediation occurs at various stages of the learning process)
        o intra-linguistic mediation: disciplinary practices simulated in the learning process:
        • traditional and classical disciplines with a pronounced demand of intra-linguistic mediation skills: the example of two fields
        o legal English and the plain English movement (UK & US & Ca & EU? practices - US legislation “The Plain Writing Act of 2010”)
        o medical communication (patient-centred communication – Calgary-Cambridge guide 1996)
        III. Affordances and challenges of research: ESP methodology and practice
        • assessment: the weakest link in supporting the development of mediation skills? (Stathopoulou 2020)
        • learner empowerment:
        o role of peer-feedback & self-assessment
        o self-assessment grid in CEFR – grid for mediation across the four domains of language use -> to be developed
        o ESP, in field-specific discourse development rely on and support communication across the domains (public, private, occupational and educational discourse)
        • teacher empowerment:
        o pragmatics: discourse analysis informing language teaching methodology, conversation analysis, etc.
        o action research: to support material design and scaffolding, and to monitor outcomes of learning practices, (curriculum and course design, material selection and production of language activities) – example: Liontou & Braidwood 2021
        o a TIP: see Table 13 CEFR CV p.180
        IV. Conclusion: developing language learners’ inter- and intra-linguistic mediation
        • will lead to reinforced cognitive and relational skills
        o additional outcomes of enhancing the role of mediation in language learning –> critical thinking, creativity and collaboration (in addition to communication) – labelled as 21st century skills
        • societal impact (beyond pluri-linguistic and pluri-cultural objectives): civic duties, patient empowerment

        Speaker: Eva Braidwood (University of Oulu)
      • 105
        Curating language within our academic endeavours

        For many years, in several academic contexts in the Netherlands and most recently in
        the UK, I have done a lot of thinking about the position of language in academic learning
        environments; its ‘situatedness’. I am interested in the ways in which language, and
        choice of language, functions to enable or to block learning; to encourage or to limit
        participation; to foster perceptions of inclusion or exclusion.

        Speaker: Dr Kevin Haines (University of Bristol)
    • PANEL DE EXPERTOS: El español para fines específicos en el mundo: pasado, presente y futuro.
      Conveners: Ángel Felices-Lago (Universidad de Granada), Lara Isabel Serén Raposo (Universidad de Letonia)
      • 106
        Bienvenida e introducción:
        Speaker: Alla Placinska (University of Latvia)
      • 107
        Del pasado al presente del EFE: pinceladas históricas en España, Europa y en la América Hispanohablante. Los foros de difusión del EFE.
      • 108
        El EFE en EE.UU: Panorama y perspectivas de la formación, la investigación y las especialidades más demandadas.
        Speaker: Lourdes Sánchez López (Catedrática de la Universidad de Alabama en Birmingham, EE.UU)
      • 109
        La investigación sobre EFE y su presencia en las revistas de investigación españolas
        Speaker: Ana Bocanegra-Valle (University of Cadiz)
      • 110
        El EFE en el área de los Balcanes. EFE y traducción especializada
        Speaker: Ludmila Ilieva (Catedrática de la Universidad de Sofía San Clemente de Ójrid, Bulgaria)
      • 111
        El EFE en los Países Bálticos
        Speaker: Alla Placinska (University of Latvia)
      • 112
        El EFE en Alemania: Panorama y perspectivas
        Speaker: Carmen Ramos (Catedrática de Universidad en la Internationale Hochschule SDI München, Alemania)
      • 113
        El EFE en Brasil: Panorama y perspectivas
        Speaker: Odair Luiz Nadin (Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (Unesp))