Please reserve the time to attend the session scheduled for March 6th, from 10:15 to 11:30, which will take place online. The link to access the session will be sent to you in advance.
Your tentative presentation time is scheduled for 10:30. However, please note that there may be slight adjustments to the presentation schedule, and we apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause.
The moderator for your session ass.prof. Abit Hoxha (University of Agder, Norway, abit.hoxha@uia.no) welcomes your contribution. He kindly requests that you provide any additional materials that could enhance the announcement of your presentation, such as a short bio or questions that will help listeners understand the content of your presentation better.
We embrace your participation in our conference and look forward to your insightful presentation. Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.
For session related issues [abit.hoxha@uia.no]
For technical issues [agnese.rusakova@lu.lv]
Presenting author | Agnese Rusakova |