This article, (part of the thesis titled “Eros și Thanatos - paradigme ale devenirii feminității în romanul românesc interbelic”), highlights the important role of verbal communication, illustrated by the dialogue of the literary and/or screen character. On the one hand the dialogue is the way of transmitting thoughts and feelings, on the other hand it represents a mean of directly influencing the discussion partner.
Such persuasive messages, contained in interpersonal communication, are offered as examples in the dialogue of the literary characters in the following works, subject to analysis: Adela (Garabet Ibrăileanu), Ciuleandra (L.Rebreanu) and Ultima noapte de dragoste, întâia noapte de război (C. Petrescu).
Through the dialogue, the presented characters reveal their thoughts and feelings, demonstrating their professional training, their point of view about the world and life, their desire to understand others and to be understood.
Also as an applicative part, I have selected two models of interpersonal communication
Shramm's model and the Meyer-Eppler model -which present the connection between the encoding of the message, its decoding and the feedback.