The analysed issue holds significant importance because climate change appears to be one of the critical problems of the contemporary world. Many organizations have started to change their activities towards environmental efficiency. Cultural institutions, such as museums, play essential roles in shaping attitudes, disseminating knowledge, and creating beliefs.
The current study aimed to analyse the museum`s role in the public discourse in the field of climate change and climate crises.
The methodology used in the study is a qualitative study. Based on Critical Discourse Analysis, the Authors will present the main significant themes, topics and explanations of climate changes used by museums in their communication process, i.e. in strategies.
Museums adapt to the challenges of shaping new attitudes and beliefs towards climate change. So, they change their identity as future-oriented and ecologically sensitive institutions. The following areas were analysed in the public discourse realised by museums: social injustice, nature – museums relationship or human fault. The human being-centred approach is still mainstream and dominant in the public discourse.
The analysed discourse concerning climate change realized by museums focuses on primary and general terms, not concrete solutions.
Presenting author | Elzbieta Nieroba, Robert Geisler |