6–8 Mar 2024
Europe/Berlin timezone
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Life Satisfaction, Self-esteem and Body Appreciation as Determinants of Well-being During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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Poster Posters Poster session


René Wodarz (University of Opole)


This study explores the relationships among life satisfaction, self-esteem, and body image, considering gender and age disparities and the moderating role of body appreciation. Conducted through a cross-sectional online survey in Poland during the COVID-19 pandemic (between October 18 and December 6, 2021), involving 449 adults (M = 30.41, SD = 12.72). The participants completed the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS), Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES), and Body Appreciation Scale (BAS-2).

Results indicate that men exhibit higher scores than women in life satisfaction and self-esteem, while older participants (age > 30) surpass younger individuals (age < 30) in life satisfaction, self-esteem, and body appreciation. Positive and moderate correlations among life satisfaction, self-esteem, and body appreciation were confirmed. Controlling for age and gender, an interactive effect emerged between self-esteem and body appreciation on life satisfaction.

The findings underscore the importance of tailored intervention programs to improve the well-being of adults during the complex times of crisis, encompassing the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, focusing on enhancing self-esteem and fostering body appreciation is recommended. These insights offer a nuanced understanding of factors influencing well-being and inform targeted strategies to address mental health issues in diverse populations facing the compounded effects of crises.

Presenting author René Wodarz

Primary author

René Wodarz (University of Opole)

Presentation materials