6–8 Mar 2024
Europe/Berlin timezone
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Digitization and artificial intelligence as key drivers for education and science in the future

Session 8
7 Mar 2024, 14:30


Presentation materials

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Catalina Millán-Scheiding (Berklee College of Music), Elia Saneleuterio (Universitat de València), Juan Carlos Casañ Núñez (Universitat de València), María Alcantud-Diaz (University of Valencia)
07/03/2024, 15:30
Digitization and artificial intelligence as key drivers for education and science in the future
Oral presentation

Artificial intelligence (AI) offers a range of opportunities for learning and teaching. On the other hand, the use of AI also raises concerns related to ethical considerations, data privacy, accuracy, etc. MA in education students can provide critical insights into the use of AI in Education. Moreover, it is essential to know their opinion because they will teach future generations. This...

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