10:10 AM
Simulation of liquid metal MHD with free surface
Valters Dzelme
(University of Latvia)
10:30 AM
Modeling of hydrogen production on stepped surfaces of SrTiO3 perovskite nanoparticles - ab initio computational study
Maksim Sokolov
(Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia)
10:50 AM
Numerical modeling of dipolar quantum gases: from Bose-Einstein condensates to supersolids
Antun Balaz
(Institute of Physics Belgrade, Serbia)
11:10 AM
OpenFOAM Simulation of Fiber Concrete Flow
Heiko Hermmann
(Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech))
11:30 AM
Numerical analysis of heat exchange in a double layer system with opposing fluid flow
Valters Ribickis
(University of Latvia)
11:50 AM
HPC demonstration in practice. Jupyterhub example. Questions and answers (in Latvian)
Jurijs Ješkins
(University of Latvia)
12:50 PM
Numerical simulations of air disinfection using a UV purifier
Andrejs Sabanskis
(University of Latvia)
1:10 PM
Dam installation assessment: a hydrogeological modeling approach for Lielais Pelečāres mire and Cena mire
Andrejs Timuhins
(University of Latvia)
1:30 PM
Investigation of the scalability of OpenFOAM hydrodynamic simulations on HPC clusters
Kirils Surovovs
(University of Latvia)
1:50 PM
Optimization of execution on HEMUS supercomputer
Emanouil Atanassov
(Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)