6–8 Mar 2024
Europe/Berlin timezone
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AI in School: The Influence of Automatic Text Generation and Machine Translation on Language Comprehension and Translation Performance

7 Mar 2024, 15:15


Oral presentation Digitization and artificial intelligence as key drivers for education and science in the future Digitization and artificial intelligence as key drivers for education and science in the future


Athanasios Breskas (Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz)Prof. Silvia Hansen-Schirra (Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz)


The integration of AI, particularly ChatGPT, into the classroom raises significant implications for language learning and translation processes. This study investigates how pupils utilize conventional translation tools alongside new technologies like ChatGPT in foreign language classes, an area largely unexplored in translation process research. The aim was to assess the efficiency and impact of these tools on reading comprehension, language processing, and translation quality among 13 pupils at Rudi-Stephan-Gymnasium Worms, a ForThem partner school. Using inputlog, we observed that while ChatGPT facilitated quicker task completion and fewer translation errors, it also led to more extraneous information in reading comprehension tasks. Terminology remained a challenge across conditions. Importantly, the study emphasizes that tools alone do not compensate for language skills; rather, proficiency is essential for evaluating tool output and making informed decisions. These findings highlight the need for a nuanced approach to integrating AI in educational settings, recognizing both its benefits and limitations in enhancing language learning and translation processes.

Presenting author Athanasios Breskas & Silvia Hansen-Schirra

Primary authors

Athanasios Breskas (Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz) Dimitrios Kapnas (Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz) Prof. Silvia Hansen-Schirra (Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz)

Presentation materials