29–31 Jan 2025
Europe/Berlin timezone
May this conference bring fresh perspectives, fruitful collaborations, and great success!

Conference proceedings

1. The conference will be held remotely. 

2. Participation is free of charge.  

3. It is possible to participate in capacity of a listener, oral presenter and/or poster presenter. The preferred mode of presentation shall be indicated by checking the respective box within registration form.

4. When submitting the abstract/poster, use the "Content" field for a short (the text field is limited to max 200 words) summary of your presentation/poster content (to be included within the conference program). To ensure that your abstract is included in FORTHEM Journal - conference's Book of Abstracts, please prepare your abstract according to the conference abstract template. See the Book of Abstracts of the First FORTHEM conference.

5. All abstracts submitted for the conference will be peer reviewed. The presenting author should be indicated at submission. Any of the authors can be the presenting author.

6. Positively reviewed abstracts will be invited for an oral/poster presentation. The Organizing Committee makes the final decision on the presentation format and may change it, opting for the preferred mode of presentation whenever feasible.

7. If an abstract is rejected, the organizers are not obliged to explain the reasons for rejection. In selected cases, the editor may permit the corresponding author to correct and resubmit the abstract. The editor may choose to give more detailed information on the necessary changes. The editor is not responsible for making any corrections (including language and grammar) in the abstracts.

8. The corresponding author is responsible for informing co-authors on decisions regarding the abstract.

9. Abstract submission obligates the presenting author to be present at the conference. In selected cases, a pre-recorded presentation can be submitted.

10. It is suggested that authors prepare their presentations in .pptx format, using the conference presentation template and poster template is recommended.

11. The approximate time for each presentation is 10 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions and discussions.

12. After registration for the conference the participants will be invited to register for the pre-conference networking space within Wooclap application.

13. The participants of the conference will receive a participation certificate and all abstracts compiled within Book of Abstracts.

14. The format of poster sessions will be announced at a later stage.  

Should any questions arise, please contact us by email at agnese.rusakova@lu.lv