Simulation-based medical English learning model – Bridging the gap between medical practice and university classroom

28 Apr 2022, 14:20
Presenters (Oral Presentation) – Live ZOOM Presentation Education Medicine


Tatjana Zakutajeva (Riga Stradins University)


“The mind is not a vessel that needs
filling, but wood that needs igniting.”
Plutarch, AD 46 – AD 120
Introduction. Simulation is a technique to replace and amplify real experiences with guided ones, often “immersive” in nature, that evoke and replicate substantial aspects of the real world in a fully interactive fashion. Simulation-based language learning is a language learning model which allows students to express themselves in a group setting, groups comprising usually two or three. It is related to a role-play but in simulation students retain their own personas and are not required to pretend to be someone else. In order to succeed a simulation should be underpinned by a sense of reality or should create a brand new reality.
Aim. To study:
• if throughout the delivery of study courses “English for Dentistry” to students of Faculty of Dentistry, “Medical Terminology in English” to students of Faculty of Medicine, “English for Rehabilitation” to Occupational Therapy students at RSU they develop linguistic competence with professional terminology application;
• students’ satisfaction level with the study courses being delivered.
Materials and methods. Data were collected during the period of academic years 2015/16 till 2020/21 at RSU from Faculty of Dentistry 1-st year students, Faculty of Medicine 2-nd year students and from Faculty of Rehabilitation 2-nd year students taking part in a cross-sectional study.
Results. Dental students being involved in a project “Dentist-Patient Interview”, Medical students involved in a project “Doctor-Doctor Interview” with patient care manikins application, and Occupational Therapy students involved in a project “Occupational Therapist-Patient Interview” with an authentic speaker as a patient, demonstrated their ability to communicate in English with meaningful application of professional terminology and relevant attitude to the patient. Students report simulation to be challenging and alongside inspiring learning model that builds confidence within students to operate the language in a professional way and acquire occupation-specific skills. Simulation-based learning embedded in course structure builds synergy between language acquisition and professional competence, i.e. tangible value added for students and academia, thus enhancing students’ satisfaction level with the course under delivery.
Conclusions. Effective communication between healthcare professionals and patients is important in delivering high-quality care this way improving patients’ outcomes. From educational perspective, simulation-based learning enables students demonstrate their communicative competence interacting in English within an environment that is very close to their professional environment and motivates them to acquire professional terminology for productive use. Simulation-based learning is the way not only to develop students’ linguistic competence but their professional attitude to the patient, thus enriching their knowledge and minimising risk to the patient.

Biographical note(s) of the author(s)

RSU Language center lecturer teaching ESP to health care programme students (Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Rehabilitation) as well as European Study Faculty students. RISEBA guest lecturer teaching to students of economics and business. 26 years of academic background. Research interests comprise building creative atmosphere in the university classroom, simulation-based language learning, transversal skills development.

Affiliation of the author(s)

Rīga Stradiņš University, Language Center, Latvia

Contact e-mail address

Primary author

Tatjana Zakutajeva (Riga Stradins University)

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