Paper Submission Guidelines


All the papers with positive reviews will be published in the Language for International Communication: Linking Interdisciplinary Perspectives: Language for Specific Purposes in the Era of Multilingualism and Technologies proceedings (indexed by EBSCO databases: Communication Source and Central & Eastern European Academic Source) and on the symposium website.

Selected papers on English language and culture will be published in the Baltic Journal of English Language, Literature and Culture – a multidisciplinary international scientific journal in general linguistics, applied linguistics, literature and culture.

The editorial board of the Conference Proceedings ensures a blind review policy. All manuscripts are reviewed by two to three experts in the field. The editors take the final decision whether to accept or reject the paper on the basis of the reviewers’ opinion.

Authors should ensure that the manuscript does not contain any material published previously (except for an abstract or thesis) or is under consideration for publication elsewhere. The submitting author is responsible to ensure that all co-authors have been equally involved in the preparation of the manuscript, as well as listed in the manuscript. The submitting author should ensure that all co-authors have approved the manuscript. The submitting author is responsible for the paper during the reviewing process.

To facilitate the peer reviewing process, it is essential that the contributors adhere to the guidelines presented below. The papers which do not meet the requirements of these guidelines may be rejected. 

When submitting the paper for reviewing, no information that identifies the author(s) should be included in the paper. The contributors are requested not to write: ‘We concluded that … (Ozols and Brown, 2011).’, but: ‘According to Ozols and Brown (2011), …’.

The guidelines for the editor, authors and reviewers are based on the COPE Code of Conduct for Journal Editors, see more in:

Format: Microsoft Word compatible with Microsoft Office 2010.

Length: up to 20 000 characters including spaces (i.e. including the Abstract and the Summary for the papers in other languages than in English; references and appendices).

Submission: 2 electronic copies should be sent as an email attachment to the coordinators (see below): one full copy and one blind copy (a copy without the information about the author(s)).

Managing editors:

Monta Farneste (English language and culture):

Jelena Vladimirska (French language and culture):

Alla Placinska (Spanish language and culture):


Full copy: Surname_name_1 (add numbers to show the number of the version), the date of submission and the theme. For example, the first version will be named,

e.g. Kalnina_Viola_1_full copy_March 1_Corpus studies in LSP

If there are two authors then use ‘and’,

e.g. Kalnina_Viola_and_ Kalnins_Janis_1_full copy_March 1_Corpus studies in LSP

Blind copy:

e.g. Kalnina_Viola_1_blind copy_March 1_Corpus studies in LSP

or Kalnina_Viola_and_ Kalnins_Janis_1_blind copy_March 1_Corpus studies in LSP



See the previous volumes

Conference proceedings: Language for International Communication: Linking Interdisciplinary Perspectives (Volume 3):

Baltic Journal of English Language, Literature and Culture:

Title: centred, upper case, bold, 16 point (no underlining)


  • Name(s) Surname (centred, upper case, bold, 12 point)
  • Institution, Country (centred, sentence case, 11 point)

Abstract in English:

  • The heading Abstract (bold, aligned left, followed by a full stop) is written on the same line as the first sentence.
  • The text should not be longer than 250 words (e.g. in 1-2 sentences summarising introduction, methods, results, conclusions).
  • 11 point, single spacing

Key words:

  • one additional space between lines
  • the heading in bold, sentence case, single spacing, 11 point, 5 to 7 words, e.g.

Key words: discourse analysis, letter writing, enquiry letters, ESP, tertiary level

The main text: see more in the Formatting section

References: 11 point, single spacing, the title is aligned left (see in the References)

Appendices (if any):

  • the title is aligned left, e.g.

APPENDIX 1 (12 point)

Questionnaire Sample (12 point)

  • The text below: 11 point, single spacing

Brief information (1-2 sentences, 11 point, single spacing) about the author(s) at the end of the document: name surname in bold, scientific degree(s) and position in brackets, affiliation, country, research field(s), email address, e.g.

Monta Farneste (Dr. Paed., Assoc. Prof. in Applied Linguistics) is currently working at the University of Latvia. Her research interests include written communication, communicative grammar, language acquisition. Email:



Margins: 2.0 cm for top, bottom and right margins; 3.0 cm for left margin


  • Do not write any number next to the heading INTRODUCTION, CONCLUSIONS and REFERENCES
  • If you use subsections, provide numbers, e.g.




  • Align left, 12 point, no full stop after headings

Main Text

  • Times New Roman, 12 point, justified, single line spacing
  • Each paragraph is indented by 1 cm (use Tab or Format-Paragraph-Indentation-Special-First line-By: 1cm), except for the first line after the title and headings
  • Use no extra space between paragraphs
  • Do not use headers or footers (e.g. do not use footnotes)


  • Quotations are put in single inverted commas (‘…’). Double quotes are used only for quotes within quotes. Put a full stop after the quotation marks or brackets,

e. g. ‘The study of “speaker meaning” is called pragmatics’ (Yule, 1996: 3).

  • The omitted text is shown by an ellipsis in square brackets, i.e. […].
  • Long quotations (3 and more lines) are displayed, i.e. indented from the left side, leaving one extra line before and after the quote.
  • Italics. Terms, key words in samples and titles of sources are written in italics. Titles are written in title case.

Figures and Tables

  • The captions of tables and figures are aligned left, single spaced, 11 point. The captions of tables are written above, whereas the captions of figures are written below the data, e.g.

Figure 1 Sample of an essay

  • If the Results and Discussion section has several subsections, which are numbered then that is shown in numbering of tables and figures, e.g.

Table 1.1 Correlation indices between the separate parts

  • The text in the tables: 11 point, single spaced
  • Tables and figures are separated from the main text by Enter
  • The maximum number of tables and figures is five
  • The data in figures and tables must be available for formatting


We reserve the right to omit photographs.

In-text citations

  • Use brackets for in-text citations (e.g. Brown, [1991] 2002: 5; White, 2005a: 8-10; White, 2005b: 8). Arrange them in chronological sequence.
  • If you quote and paraphrase, indicate page numbers.
  • If the authors’ names are written in non-Latin script, they are transliterated in Latin/Roman characters, e.g. Barmina and Verhovskaya (2000).
  • Initials are used only when two authors have the same surname, e.g. M. Kalniņa and Š. Kalniņa, e.g. (Kalniņa, M. and Kalniņa, Š., 2008).
  • Unknown publishing date is shown by (n. d.), e.g. (Brown, n. d.: 5).
  • Abbreviations are written after the full word in brackets at first mention.
  • Initials require spaces between elements, e.g. R. R. Jordan (ed.).
  • Long dictionary titles are abbreviated in in-text citations, the abbreviation is italicised, e.g. (LDELC, 1992). Also, full titles are italicised, e.g. (Oxford Dictionary, 2013: Online).
  • One work in another, e.g. (Brown, 1906, cited by White, 2004: 7).
  • To refer to an Internet source without the author and the title, Online should be written, e.g. (Online 1). In the reference list, such Internet sources are mentioned in order of appearance in the text: e.g. A number of research studies have been conducted into the effect of motivation on language acquisition (Online 1).
  • If there are more than three authors, all their surnames should appear when a reference to the publication is made for the first time in the text. Afterwards, only the first author should be mentioned followed by et al., for example (Waters et al., 1999). All the authors should be named in the reference list.


  • Include all the sources cited in the text and do not include any that have not been cited in the text. The author(s) are responsible for crediting all sources (e.g. the authors of the theories, the authors of any other text or data) used while writing the research paper. The sources must be cited both in the body of the paper (as in-text citations) and in the list of references. The quotations from other authors must be put in quotation marks.
  • Use single spacing, 11 point and a hanging indent (Format-Paragraph-Indentation-Special-Hanging) to arrange the items in the list.
  • Items in the references should be listed alphabetically. Foreign-language titles are translated in English in square brackets. They are also italicised.
  • The name of the translator is indicated in brackets, e.g. after the title in the references (trans. C. Mauron) or after the quotation (Brown, 2002: 3; trans. mine).
  • Personal communications, manuscripts in preparation and other unpublished data are not cited in the reference list, but may be mentioned in the text in parentheses.
  • Sources are indicated according to the following format:



Brown, B. (1994) Reading for research. Journal of Education, 1 (1): 21-4.

Brown, B. (2003) Research. London: University of London. Available from [Accessed on 2 January 2021].

Celce-Murcia, M. (ed.), (2001) Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language. Boston: Heinle and Heinle.

Coady, J. (1979) A psycholinguistic model of the ESL reader. In R. Mackay, B. Barkman and R. R. Jordan (eds.) Teaching Reading Skills (pp. 219-223). London: Longman.

Dowman, J. and Shepheard, J. (2002) Teaching English as a Foreign Language. London: Hodder and Staughton.

Klingon, J. (2002) Starfleet command. Startrek News, Friday, 3rd October: 27.

[LDELC] Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture (1992) Essex: Longman.



  1. [Online 1] Available from [Accessed on 2 January 2021].



Trappe, T. and Tullis, G. (2005) Intelligent Business. Coursebook. Intermediate. Business English. Harlow: Pearson Education.